Black and Blue

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They say love is beautiful, I don't deny that
They say love is food for the soul, I highly doubt that
They say love is what keeps us going, I'm not so sure about that
All I know is that love is a beautiful thing and I cannot deny that

The words of a loved beat me till my heart turned a nasty shade, the black in my eyes shows you a glimpse  of  what it's truly made
Sometimes I think that the past might just fade, but something reminds me of the whole incident so it just can't be erased

I mean look at me I'm a freaking mess, I pray to God but that don't make it hurt any less.
My heart belonged to you but you beat it till it turned black and blue, I'm afraid that I will never go back to who I was because of you

Words of a Bruised SoulWhere stories live. Discover now