20 Celebrities,3 Mentors

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  • Dedicated to All the famous people out there and people who want to be famous one day!!!!

                                                               (Michelle’s P.O.V)

     I’m so mad right now. I woke up at 5:15 in the morning and I have to do a lot of work from school today. The school just got a new program called CFC, which means Classes For Celebrities. The program is about  20 celebrities that go to my school, Griffin High School. They really get transferred but I don’t believe that so much. The only thing is they wont tell us the names, I’m so curious now. Me and my BFFs are the most popular girlz  in the school and not just that we are also mentors for CFC so cool. Me, Nesha and Angie are all on the cheerleading squad The Blue Jays and Nesha is the caption and we're the co-captions. "You guys have no idea how tired I am I've been up for about 3 hours and I  couldn't go back to sleep or I would've been late-" "STOP slow down girly okay" Nesha said interrupting me. "I'm tired okay I'm tired" I said banging my head on the locker.         

20 Celebrities,3 MentorsWhere stories live. Discover now