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hey guys I'm sorry for abandoning this story withouy giving you notice. I could give you several excuse valid or invalid and it still won't make up for the fact that I should've told you long ago in the first place.

A lot goes on in my life and needless to say it's been hard me not only as an aspiring writer but just on my well-being in general.

But lets be positive and just say I'm better now and thank you if you still stick around. I feel as though I've grown as a writer and looking back on this story...I honestly think it's horrible. I have finish chapters that I never published because at one point I decide on an upload schedule and to have things done before posting dates but I just thought "wtf am I thinking this is awful and it makes no sense."

So yeah, writer's block, teenage crisis, blah

Moral of the story is: I'm ditching this plot and going for something works and is easier to write about than my last concept...

The title will not change just the storyline; completely. It's still Zarry and it has to do with magic just much differently.

I think you'll like it because I personally haven't seen a story with this concept but I think it works.

It's a sort of Witch/Warlock Academy AU

Where both Zayn and Harry have infamous parents but one his good and another bad. Soooo...hopefully that sparks your interest.


I'm sorry for the late notice but basically the story is cancelled and being re-written.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions fell free to comment or DM and all that 😌

♥ ~Charlie

(p.s. i may actually change the title idk yet)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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