Cancer (speech)

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We all have these little things that people do that change our whole day to the better, some of us believe that getting a good morning text could make their day, some believe that getting a hug could make them feel better, and others believe that a good night text could make them sleep well. Well, for me, a simple smile could make me feel better by all means. These people I mentioned are all probably in a physically healthy state, but have you thought about the ones that are not exactly in a physically healthy state?

If you have ever heard of deadly diseases then you must've heard about cancer. Not only do cancer patients have bad physical health, but most of them also do have bad mental health due to the fact that most of them would lose their hair and know the fact that they have a high risk of dying. Just like you, cancer patients need these 'little things' that make their day, more than most of us do.

Very simple things could truly change their day to the absolute best, buy them a flower, make them watch a movie, read them a book, feed them a cookie, bring them a kitten, send them a card, even a little funny emoticon at the end of your text could at least earn you a smile. Basically any nice thing you can do could make that sad cancer patient happy, even a little cuddle. Because at the end, cancer isn't contagious, but love definitely is.

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