Esperanza Rising Epilogue:20 years later........

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Esperanza was sitting on her balcony looking at her kids play.Her husband,Miguel,had to go to work earlier than usual so,she had to take care of the kids for a couple of hours. About 2 years ago Esperanza's mother died of a heart attack. Her grandmother died of old age 4 years before that. Esperanza would always remember them and how they were a major part of her life.
           Esperanza's POV:
As I am watching my children play,I start remembering my papi. I remember him telling me when I was about 6 years old. " Aguantate tantito y la fruta caerá en tu mańo","Wait a little while and the fruit will fall into your hand." "Boink,Boink,Boink." I could see my son,Ismael,playing basketball. And my daughter,Maria,playing with her dolls. I could hear the basketball bouncing down the sidewalk like a hopping bunny,and the swish of the dolls hairs in the wind. " Hey. Ismael." said Maria. "What?" replied Ismael. " Can you say Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers really fast? questioned Maria. "I guess." replied Ismael. Suddenly the sound of a man calling out in the distance caught my attention. It must be Miguel. "PAPI!" yelled my kids. " Hola nińo's","hey kids." he said. "How about you guys give your papi a hug." I replied with a smile. "I'm going to give papi a hug first!" Exclaimed a joyful Maria. "No I am!"said Ismael. Their argument was suddenly going in circles. "How about we go inside?" I asked. "Ok" they both replied. " I am so hungry I could eat a horse! exclaimed a hungry Ismael with Maria and Miguel laughing behind him as they walked inside. As I was watching them enter our home I couldn't help but think how lucky am I to have such a wonderful family.
Esperanza finds herself walking towards a hill. She then lays down her stomach trying to feel the Earth calling for her and waiting to feel the Earth's heart beat. She suddenly hears and feels the Earth's heart beat. She finds herself feeling as if she was floating in the sky. She could feel it's warmth washing over her and turned on her back and faced the sky,staring into the clouds. "I feel it papi." she whispered. "I can feel it."

Esperanza Rising Epilogue:(School project)Where stories live. Discover now