Chapter 3

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Harry's p.o.v
Today me and the boys are at the studio today because Simon called us here today, because he says he's found someone who could be our new opening act on our next tour. We are all really excited to meet whoever it is. We are currently sat in a room with many couches and chairs in it just talking about random stuff, waiting for Simon to come in.
After what seemed like forever we heard the door open and we all looked at the door and saw Simon walk in with a very beautiful girl who looked a little younger than us maybe 17 or 18 years old. We then all stood up from the couches then Simon started talking. He said that her name was Abby and that she is our new opening act. She seems very quiet so she must be a shy person, but I'm sure she's a sweetheart.
Then she finally spoke up and said hello and said that she is a big fan of us so bonus. Then she stuck out her hand and we each greeted her and hugged her. I went straight for a kiss on her hand, and told her it was a pleasure to meet a beautiful girl like her, and she blushed.
Then Simon announced that he had to go do some paperwork and left us to get to know Abby. So we all made our way to the couches and sat down. Abby sat on one of the single chairs and us boys on the couches.

Abby's p.o.v
Once Simon left the room we all sat down on the couches and I sat one of the chairs. Then I started talking.
Well my name is Abby Roberts, I'm 18 years old, and I'm originally from Orlando, Florida. I'm a huge Star Wars nerd, I love music and singing and dancing. I have 3 brothers one is 24 years old, one is 15 and the last one is 9.
I love all different types of music. I'm half tomboy half girly girl. I prefer to wear t-shirts and shorts than dresses and skirts but I do like to wear them once in a while like I am today.
Sorry that I'm just throwing all this information at y'all at once it's just that I'm a little nervous and excited and thrilled that Simon gave me this job.
Then Niall spoke up saying: it's alright we're all excited that you are the new opening act, and all that stuff about you is cool and I think you will fit in well with our group. Also I have a question and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but what's wrong with your left hand? After he asked that he got hit on the head by Liam, and Liam said Dude why did you ask that. Niall replied with a groan and said I just wanted to know.
Then I started with oh no its fine I get asked about it all the time and I don't mind talking about it now that I'm older. Basically when I was about 2 and a half years old maybe I got sick with pneumonia and suffered a stroke on my left side. So I can't open and close my left hand but I still use it in any way I can. In the last 16/17 years of my life since then, I have taught myself to do pretty much anything and everything with one hand that everybody else can do with two hands.
After I finished talking the boys all looked in shock but they looked surprised to. Then Louis spoke up saying that's amazing Abby. Thank you I replied after that.
We all chatted for a little while until Simon came back and gave me a phone number so he will let me know when I'm needed and I gave him mine. After that he said well you are done for the day as well as the boys.
After Simon left again the boys were still in the room, so I said well I better go call my mom to come pick me up. Then Zayn interrupted me by saying no we should all go hang out and get to know our new friend even better, and then we can take you home later. The others just nodded and agreed willingly. OK if you guys really want to but can we stop by my house first so I can change into something that's not a dress. I said pointing at my dress, they all said of course.
Let's go, Louis shouted and we were off to the parking lot.
Once we got to their truck Liam said that I could ride shotgun so I can direct them to my house. Louis was driving, so I told him my address and he said Oh wow that's in the same neighborhood where we live, so we were off. During the ride we listened to the radio and we're singing along to the songs and they all complimented me on my singing, saying I had a good voice. Then we finally pulled up to my house.


Hey guys hoped you liked the chapter. I will try to upload a lot in the next few days because I have a few days off of work. Have a great day. Love you. Abby

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