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Today is the day I do my last GCSE (I don't know what they are called in Australia but in England they are called that. It's just the exams you do at the end of year 11.😘) I had to do science that was it, I think they have gone so well. I was in the second set for all my lessons apart from P.E I was in the top set. Any ways I was now dressed and sat in car waiting for my dumb ass brother to get in the car to take me. Beau went on that date with Carla and beau said she was an absolute bitch, she keeps texting him and stuff but he tries to ignore her. And get this she turned up at our house last night but Mackenzie decided to take her anger out on her and let's says she got roasted by a nine year old!
"Finally you dipshit what were you doin?" I ask him.
"Mackenzie was being a little weirdo." Beau says.
"What like you!" I laugh.
"Shut up tit." He says and punches my arm.

We arrive at school and I thank beau then get out. Get this our school has cancelled our school dance at the end of the year, the dicks. They say it was because our year was terribly behaved and apparently the hall is 'flooded', flooded my arse. Truth is our school is skint.

Finally I have finished all my exams.Now I just had to come to school for 2 more weeks then I had finished forever. I had a bit of an idea as to what I wanted to do but I wanted to do, I was quite interested designed clothes. But my brothers insisted that I would be famous on YouTube. They made me a channel like ages ago called Natalia Brooks talks. Weird I know. I've not even out any videos on but I have 33,000 subscribers so I guess I should put a video on. They let us go home early so I invited Libby and Ava back to mine, the boys weren't back until later because of interviews and mum was working. I have asked the triplets and there sister to come over and they said they will. Sydney Paris and Brooklyn were homeschooled and India had finished school and is working part time at Starbucks.

I let Ava and Libby in my house and they run and jump on my couch I go the shut the door but I can see the girls walking up.
"Hey gurl." Sydney shouts.
"Hey." I say. I give them all a hug then let them in the house. They say hi to Libby and Ava then we all sit on the couch and talk.
"Omg I just had in idea we could be the next o2L." Libby shouts.
"Fucking random what made you say that." Ava says.
"Well we are all finishing school and we need something to do. Tal has a channel with subscribers. If we change the name we could each put a video up everyday.
"Y'all can I'm going I'm meeting Ross." India says and walks out to meet her boyfriend.
"Sounds good." Brooklyn says.
"Yeah I'll get Luke's camera quickly before they come back we can make a thing to introduce us. You may be a blonde Libby but you do come up with good ideas." I laugh and run upstairs before Libby could catch me. I grab it out of his room and run back downstairs with it. We go through was we are gonna say but we stop when we haven't come up with a name.
"How about ACTION." Ava says. "Like before you start somet you shout action." Ava explains.
"Yeah that'll do." Paris says. Sydney counts down from three and I start.
"Hey guys I'm Natalia brooks.
"Hello I'm Ava Rodriguez."
"Hi I'm Libby hart."
"Holla I'm Paris McLean."
"Yo I'm Sydney McLean."
"I'm Brooklyn McLean."
"And together we are ACTION." We all say together.
"On this channel we will each upload a video everyday and some Sunday's we will get together and make one. The order we said our names is the order of the week we will upload. We will tell you a bit about ourselves so tell start of." Ava says.
"Okay will hi I'm Natalia. I'm 16 and the flyer on my cheer time. I'm Australian and Italian. I have three brothers beau Luke and Jai. And a little sister called Mackenzie." I say.
"Hey I'm Ava and I'm 16 too. I am the base on my cheer team and I'm Spanish and Australian. I have twin little brother and sister called Emilio and Zara. And that's it." She says.
"I'm Libby. I am also a bass on my chest team, I'm a full Aussie and proud. I have a little brother called Dylan." Libby says.
"Hey I'm Paris and I am a flyer to on my cheer team. As you can tell me and these two are triplets but we have an older sister called India." Paris says.
"I'm Sydney and the tumbler on my team and yeah theses are my sisters." She says.
"And finally I'm Brooklyn and I am also a base and I'm a triplet." She says.
"We will start putting videos up in a couple of weeks when we have all the exams and shit over and done with. So please subscribe and yeah we will see you soon." Libby says and covers up the camera.
"Damn girl your a natural." I say to Libby.
"Thanks I've always wanted to be a YouTuber." Lib says. A knock goes at the door and I sigh.
"Who the fuck is this?" I say and get up and walk to my door. I unlock it to reveal Lincoln stood with a big teddy bear and a bag.
"Hi baby." He says and hands me the teddy.
"Oh my god Lincoln it's so cute thank you." I say and kiss his cheek.
"I got this to." He says and turns me round. I feel something cold be placed round my neck, I look down and see a necklace. I lift up the front and open the little locket. Inside was a picture of me and Linc kissing at the beach then on the other side the day we started dating.
"Linc it's perfect." I say and kiss him a kiss. He wraps his hands round my waist and our lips move perfectly in sync.
"I was worried you wouldn't like it." He says pulling away.
"I love it, but why?" I ask.
"The bear is for you finishing your exams and the necklace is just because I love you." He says and looks down.
"And I love you too." I say and kiss him again.
"Tal where are... Whoops." Sydney says walking round the corner then running statuette back to the living room, she makes me laugh.
"I see you have company." He says.
"Yeah you joining us?" I ask.
"I would love to but I promised Brady I would take him to the pet shop he's been begging me all week." Lincoln sighs.
"Okay, well thank you so much babe for these I love them." I say once again.
"That's no problem. I'll speak to you later yeah." Linc says.
"Course sees you." I say and give him a kiss before we birth walk away. I wave to him then shut the door. I walk back into the living room with the biggest smile on my face.
"What was that all about?" Brooklyn asks. "Sydney came running back like pissing usain bolt." Brooklyn says and we all laugh.
"Lincoln came and gave me these." I say showing the girls.
"Omg he is so cute he is a Deffo keeper." Syd says.
"You two are so perfect." Paris says.
"Thank you." I answer. I can hear a car pull outside and see my brothers get out.
"Shit there gonna kill me." I shout then run upstairs with Luke's camera. I put it in his closet and then sprint back down the stairs just as they open the door. I sigh with relief and act like nothing happened.
"Whoah. Who said you can have guests." Beau says.
"I'm 16." I say.
"And I'm 22 what are we doing stating her ages." Beau says trying to be funny.
"Great joke mate." I say.
"It wasn't meant to be funny. Mum is gonna kill youuuuu." He says.
"No she isn't." I say.
"Yeah she told me to tell you that you couldn't have anyone over because you need to revise for tests." Beau says.
"Well I've finished my tests now just piss of." I say and glare at him.
"It's my house too and I'm gonna sit right here." Beau says sitting down next to Libby.
"Hey." Libby says and makes beau laugh.
"Hey libs." He says and gives her a high five." Hey who's is that bear." Beau asks.
"It's Natalia's." Brooklyn says.
"Ooooo of lincy baby." Beau says.
"Shut up knob head." I say.
"Hello." The twins say walking in the house.
"What took you so long?" Beau asks.
"We were fighting on the grass." Luke says like its a normal thing to do.
"Yeah because that's normal." I say and everyone laughs.
"Shut up Tal," Luke says and flips me of.
"We gotta go now we didn't finish school." Sydney announces.
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow." I say and give them all a hug.
"Bye." The triplets say.


The bell goes signalling the end of the day. I grab my bag and coat before walking out. I didn't have practice today because I'd hurt my ankle it was all swollen after my fight. I limp over to where my brother was supposed to be picking me up but he isn't there. I sigh and sit down on the bench near by.

I sit there for around ten minutes and by this time everyone and gone. I can hear the gates open and see a figure running towards me, as they get closer I can see its Daniel.
"Mackenzie I'm so sorry beau told me to pick you up today and I forgot." Daniel says.
"That's fine I've just been sat here freezing my butt of." I say.
"I'm sorry come on I'll take you for a maccas." Daniel says and I nod my head. He takes my bag for me and I slowly follow him behind.
"What's up slow poke." Daniel says.
"I hurt my foot fighting." I say.
"Come here." He says and picks me up and puts me on his shoulders, I think him and kiss his head. We get to his car and he sits me in the front. We both buckle in and he drives of. Daniel tells me he is gonna go through the drive through so he can get my home because he wants to go gym.

He drives through and passes me my food, he got me a happy meal with chicken nuggets.
"Thank you Daniel." I say.
"It's okay babe lets get back." He says and drives of.

We get back home,finally, and I throw all my rubbish in the bin and then go inside my house. Daniel doesn't come in her just shouts bye then drives of. I open my door and my brothers were all sat down on the couch.
"Hello." I say and put my bag down.
"Hello come here." Jai shouts. I walk over to him and he picks me up and puts me on his knee.
"Why are you so late?" He asks.
"Daniel forgot about me then he took me for maccas." I say.
"Trust him." Beau laughs.
"How's your foot?" Jai asks.
"Sore." I say and move my sock down to show him. All my ankle was purple and fat. I had to wear my vans that beau bought me because my school shoes wouldn't fit.
"It looks it." Jai says.


I wake up and look at my alarm, it said 9:30. I panic and get up and run downstairs. I get to the bottom of the stairs and see my brother sat down on the couch with his head in his hands.
"Jai?" I question he looks up and his eyes are red.
"Hello." He says really quiet.
"What's up?" I ask and sit down.
"Uncle Paul has gone in hospital." Jai mumbles.
"Why?" I ask getting upset.
"One of his lungs stopped working." Jai says tears in his eyes.
"Why aren't I at school?" I ask.
"Mum said you can stay of." Jai cries. Uncle Paul was like a dad to the boys. I start to cry because I hated seeing my brother upset. He puts his arm round me and burst out crying.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you more." He says and kisses my head.
"Where is everyone?" I ask
"Mum Luke and beau are at the hospital and Tal is at cheer." Jai says.
"Oh can we go." I ask.
"We will soon mum told me to stay here with you." Jai says.
"Okay." I say and lie down in his lap.

We just got back from seeing my uncle and I cried the whole time. I tried to stay strong for him but I couldn't he just looked so ill.But the hospital said he was doing good so that's a positive. So I'm sat at home now with Luke and my sister watching some YouTube videos on the tv. I had never seen Luke so upset before he is really close with uncle Paul so it hit him quite bad. I only have two more weeks left of school which was a plus then we were going to vidcon.
"Kenzie princess go get your brothers." Mum tells me. I get up and go into beaus room and he goes down, I get Jai and he follows me down. We all sit on the couch near our mum.
"Right I want you to support the twins and Olivia because it's a very tough time for them right now, but don't keep going on about it because it will upset them. I don't want uncle Paul's injury to spoil any of your plans and I'm sure he does to. I can you promise you one thing he will make it out of hospital and I promise that. We need to be there for the cousins and just remind them that everything will be alright." Mum says and we all agreed with her.
"I hope he is okay." I say.
"He will be kenz." Natalia says and gives me a hug.
"I love you my babies." Mum says and we all give her a massive group hug.

Thanks for reading. I'm sorry for the short para again like I said I'm struggling for ideas at the moment. Sorry 😔😘.

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