Like Glue

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"Are we there yet?" Adrian, for the hundredth time bites back his anger. It really is pointless invoking a crazy person. Instead he grits his teeth and even manages a tiny smile.

" No we aren't, if you ask me once again, I'll throw you into a river." There, that was nice, wasn't it? From her expression it seems as if it wasn't. 

" Look here ugly, im not easily scared so you saying this really is pointless, If it comes to that I'll take you to drown with me." Evies comment makes Adrian actually smile, a rarity in itself. At least shes got backbone. Still, The journey would be better if she stays silent and intimidated by him. So turning back he decides to truly show his cards.Its not like he cares about her. As Adrian stares at her he feels power flow through him.

"Why are you-" As expected, she freezes and a panicked look crosses her face.

"I-cant-move." Evie glares at him despite the situation. Smirking Adrian steps close to her. Leaning closer he brings her face up to face him. Evie blushes at the proximity but holds his gaze. 

" Look here brat, im not ugly, what your staring at is a god given gift. Two, if your smart, stop  messing with someone who can do scary things that you cant, okay?" Adrian feels happy that she looks so scared. Her lips pout and Evie widens her eyes a bit.

" Sorry, your not really going to hurt me are you?" He falters a bit. What is this?!? The brat he thought of as Evie was doing something to him. It was only then that he realized that the girl might just be... dare he say it...kinda hot. If she was doing this on purpose or not, Adrian had no clue but his focus did falter. He stepped back and broke the trance. They continued on through the forest. Evie kept her distance out of fear. Finally The trees cleared and in front of them stood a magnificent structure. A tall building with Gothic architecture reaching up into the clouds. In front of them stood an iron gate on top was written. Grimm Academy. 

"Well here we are! the place filled with people like me who could kill you if they wanted to and who you will have to join!" That was probably the most cheerful tone Adrian had used on her. Smiling at her horrified state he dragged her in, kicking and screaming. What was first painful was now a source of amusement to him.

Who knew a brat would be this fun to tease?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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