Just another day

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Hey sexy people thought if make a another chapter enjoy:)


Bridgit POV~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock which read 6:00am. UGGHHH TO SOON!!! I got up halfway awake and started to wash my face. After I was a little more awake. I look at my phone to see Harry's name on the screen saying

Hey do u want to do something this week???

Then I was about to reply but I realized I only had 15 min 2 get ready. I'll just text him on the way. I headed out the door in my black leggings a black shirt that said love pink and my badge TOMS and headed out the door.

I finally got off work and texted Harry saying "yeah sounds great do u want 2 go 2 the beach???" In a matter of seconds he replied "sounds lovely see you then"

Harry P.O.V

I wake up the next morning to see Lux's face in front off mine

"Good morning hawwy"

"Good morning how are you"

"I'm hungry will u make me something"

"What's the magical word"

"Please I love you"

"Love you too ok so do u want pancakes"

"Yeah!" She said with her eyes wide

After Lux and I finished are Micky waffles we sat on the couch to watch Cinderella. Half way threw the movie I got a text from Bridgit

"Hey when do u want 2 come over???"

Oh crap I totally forgot!!! I already told the guys I'd watch lux

"Is it ok if I bring Lux? I told the guys if watch her today"


I got lux ready to go and packed her swimming things so she can change there. And we headed out the door.

We got to her house and I got Lix's things out of the car. We went up to the door and she helped me knock.

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