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My pov
Before this story starts, I think it would be best if you knew about (Y/N) and Alphonse's life before you read anything else. So how did the story start again, ohh, right it started like this...
       The small pitter-patter of feet echo through out the walls of the RockBell house hold. Pinako RockBell sat in the living room fixing some broken auto-mail parts when she hears the sound of glass breaking.
     "If you're going to play ruff, then go outside. That way you can't break any of my stuff!"  Pinako's voice rings through out the house. Suddenly 4 small children come running down the stairs of the house, making their way to the front door.
        "Sorry Ms. RockBell, Ed here got a little carried away playing Soldier  with us,"A small girl said.
    "No I didn't! You're the one who pushed me!" A 7-year-old Edward said stomping his feet. The (H/C) girl laughed at him while giving Ed a little shove towards the open door.
        "Well that's only because you were move so slow, short stack!"
         "(Y/N), why I ought to... Hey get back here!"  Edward ran after the 6-year-old (Y/N), as she ran in to the yard, laughing her head off. Winry laughed and followed suit.
           "Sorry Pinako. I'll clean up the mess we made if you want."
            "No, Alphonse, go out and play with the kids," she said, "I'll clean up the mess." Nodding, Alphonse runs out in the bright sun.
           Alphonse watched as his big brother chased (Y/N) around the yard with big smiles on their faces. (Y/N) spotted Al and ran towards him in a desperate manner.
           "Al, save me," The (E/C) girl cried, "Ed's going to eat me!" (Y/N) grabs Alphonse's arm. The girl hides her small body behind his, whimpering for affect.
            "Al, move out of the way!" Ed changers towards his little brother with full force.
            "Brother you do realize (Y/N) is shorter that you and me right?" Al cocks his eyebrows up at Edward, who seems to have slowed his movements.
           "Oh yeah, that's right. I am taller." Winry giggles at Edward as he does a little victory dance.
           "Come on, let's play soldier ," (Y/N) pops out from behind Al and grabs his hand, "Alphonse is on my team!" I light blush covers her cheeks as the hold on Alphonse's hand got a little tighter.
            "No way (Y/N), you're on my team this time," Winry said, quickly getting up to pull (Y/N) towards her. Winry wraps her arm protectively around the (S/C) girl's flat chest, dragging her to her own. Ed saw this action and quickly reached out for (Y/N)'s arm.
"Ahhh, she mine today," Edward says, "Today is the day I win this game. Not you, Winry, or Alphonse, Just ME, ME, ME!" The young girl in the middle suddenly finds herself in the mist of a tug-a-war, with her as the rope.
"You guys that hurts!" She whines, struggling to get out of their hold. The two children pull harder and harder as if they were about to rip her apart.
                    "She's mine this time!"
                     "No, she's mine Edward!" (Y/N)'s face turns bright red as the pain in her shoulders get worse. A hand grips (Y/N)'s shoulders and rips her away form the two.
                   "Stop, can't you see it's hurting her!" Alphonse glares at the animals before his eyes. Winry and Ed wrap their arms around each other and drop to the ground.
"Mine!" Is all that is heard as the two blonde headed children wrestle on the ground. (Y/N) grabs Alphonse's hand and slowly makes their way out of the scene.
The two children made their way into the deep forest of Resembool, giggling and laughing along the way.
"(Y/N), should we really get out here,"Alphonse squeezed the smaller girls hand, "I mean, we're so far from home and mother will be worried If we don't get back soon. I think we should-"
"Al," (Y/N) said sternly, "Let's just have a little fun without your brother or Winry. Please, let's go exploring!" (Y/N) turns to her friend with the biggest puppy dog eyes she could make. Alphonse couldn't resist looking in to the big (E/C) orbs she called her eyes, then cracked.
"Okay, okay we'll go exploring, but we must get back home by sunset, you hear little miss." (Y/N) smiles before jumping into Alphonse's arms.
"I promise we will get back by sunset! Thank you Al," (Y/N) exclaimed as she peaks the blond haired boy on the cheek once, "Well let's go!" (Y/N) pulls a blushing Alphonse alone the forest ground in hopes of finding something.
(Y/N) and Al walked around for hours on end, exploring the vast world around them. They laughed and smiled as they ran around searching every inch of land the could find. The two were playing hide and go seek, but Alphonse just couldn't find his (H/C) friend anywhere.
"Okay (Y/N) you can come out now. It's almost sunset." Alphonse yell out into the woods. His voice echoes through the air, making him sure that (Y/N) could hear him. When she didn't respond, Al started to get a little worried.
"What if she's hurt and passed out of pain," he thought, "Or got trapped somewhere and is to scared to answer me." Alphonse gasps, "What if she-she got mauled by a bear or a pack of wolves." Al started to run a round the forest like a mad man, trying to find his best friend in the whole world.
"(Y/N)," he screamed, "(Y/N), where are yo..."
"Alphonse!" That's all he needed to start running towards the sound of his friend calling him.
"(Y/N)," Alphonse thought as he ran faster and faster. When he saw her small frame, he almost tripped over his own feet.
"She's okay," he whispered to himself as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Eh, Alphonse," (Y/N) said in surprise but accepted the embrace. Al pulled (Y/N) closer to him so he could bury his hand in her hair.
"(Y/N), I thought something bad had happened to you. I thought maybe you go hurt," Al looked into her eyes, "Please don't run away like that. I don't want to lose my best friend." Alphonse's words mad (Y/N) feel bad about running away in the middle of their game. She nodded her head and smiled.
"Okay, but Al look what I found." (Y/N) pushed back a willow trees leaves revealing a world much different than what they called home. Rows upon rows of white blossoming trees lined the area. In the middle sat a crystal blue pool water shining and shimmering in the setting sunsets glow. The grass they were standing on was glimmering in the sun and swayed gently with the wind. There was a big willow tree in the center of everything. It hung low just barley touching the water. It seemed like the protector of this land. Standing big and tall so nothing could hurt any creature living here. Leading to the tree was a small stone path with smooth almost crystal like stones. The flowers on the trees almost seemed to sprinkle down gold dust as the summer breeze hit the children's faces. Daisies, lilies, tulips, and roses stood tall underneath the great willow tree. The warm rays of the sunset seem to make the whole place look even more beautiful that before, bring out every color in every leaf.
            "Wow, this place is amazing!" Alphonse says in awe. (Y/N) nods in agreement.
"Yep, and now it's our secret hiding place okay," she smiles and looks up at Al, "We can come her and play. Isn't that right solider."
"Yes, ma'am!" Al says soulting her.
"I guess we should go home now, huh."
"Yeah, mothers going to freak." Al grabs (Y/N)'s hand and runs out of the forest, leaving their magical hiding place behind.
"Alphonse, (Y/N), where have you been, I was worried something bad had happened to you." Alphonse's mother, Trisha, says as they walked into the kitchen.
"Sorry mother, (Y/N) and I were playing just a little to hard and lost track of time." Alphonse says sitting next to his brother.
"Well, as long as you two are okay, I'm not mad. Now go wash up. Dinner is ready." (Y/N) pulls at Trisha's pants leg.
"Miss.Elric, what's for dinner?" She asked tilting her head to the side a little bit causing her (E/C) eyes to twinkle in he kitchen light over head.
"Edwards favorite, stew!" She said with a smile. (Y/N) jumps up and down, the smile on her face growing bigger and bigger every second.
"Yay!" She yells as she runs out of the kitchen. Alphonse gets up after her shaking his head.
"Cute," Trisha thought as she put dinner on the table for the three hungry children.
(3 year after a Trisha's death)
(Y/N) sat in the mysterious part of the woods she and Alphonse found a few years ago, making a flower crown under the great willow tree. She waited for Alphonse to get back from his training with that scary women they met when the river almost took out the town. A now 9-year-old (Y/N) sat waiting for almost 3 years. The Rockbells gladly took the three lost children in when Trisha passed. She hummed a song while she worked to pass the time. (The song up above next to the picture. Just don't play it yet)
The girl heard the tree's leaves rustle as if someone was trying to get in. She stops humming and smile not looking up from her work.
"It seems my soldier has come back from his training stronger than ever in alchemy, eh." She heard a chuckle from the person standing next to her.
"Yes my queen, back and ready for action." (Y/N) smiles Alphonse before jumping up to give him a hug.
"Hey,  you do know Queens had knights not soldiers. Oh it doesn't matter, I really missed you, y'know, Alphonse."
"Hmm, I missed you too, (Y/N), you're as beautiful as ever. That was a nice song you were humming." (Y/N) smiled brightly at him, before leaning down to pick up her crown of flowers.
"Here, wear this. A symbol of my gratitude and a welcome back gift." She placed the crown in the blond trusses.
"I dub thee, Sir Alphonse the Great Elric, solider/knight of (L/N)," (Y/N) tapped both of his shoulders, "Please stand." Alphonse obeyed, smiling down at her.
"Why thank you, I shall take this responsibility with the up most respect," he said holding a hand over his heart, "did you get shorter?"
"You do know I'm not you brother right?" Alphonse shrugs.
"It was worth a try, let's go for a swim." (Y/N) grabs the end of her shirt and lifts if up, before running to the small river.
"Come one what are you waiting for?" She throws water up in to the direction of her friend.
"Eh- what for me!" Al takes his shirt of and runs fast in the direction of his best friend. For the rest of the day the laughed and smiled while splashing in the cool water.
They both walked into the Rockbell house dripping wet. Small puddles formed on the ground every time they took a step.
"What happened to you two?" Edward called out to them as they walked through the living room.
              "Aww, nice to see ya to Short stack." (Y/N) says with he arms open wide. Ed notices her actions and quickly steps away.
              "No! No, no, no, no, NO!" Ed yells running away from the soaked girl behind him.
              "Come on Ed, it's just a little hug. I missed you so much short stack!"
                "I AM NOT SHORT YOU LITTLE ONE EYED MAGAT!" Winry stands next to Al, smiling at the scene. (Y/N)'s laughter fills the air.
                "Just like a few years a go, right Al." He looks at Winry nodding in agreement.
                 "Hey Winry, can you help me with something," she nods, "Well a few years a go I didn't get this weird bubbly feeling in my belly when ever I see (Y/N). When ever she laughs my heart skips a beat. When she holds my hand, my belly starts to burst with butterflies. Her beautiful (E/C) eyes make my knees turn to jelly. All I really want to do is hold her forever and never let her go. I want to protect her from any harm that may come he way. W-Why do I feel this way?" Winry looks up at Al, before writing on a piece of paper what she was really thinking. She put the note in his hand and patted it twice. The blond boy opens it, and blushes in realization.
                "You're developing a crush or liking for you best friend. Better do something fast 'cause there are many boys here who would love to make (Y/N) theirs."
(One year later)
Rain. All day it's been raining. It flowed down the window, erasing all dirt and impurities from it. (Y/N), Winry, and Pinako sat together at the table working on new automail parts.
"I wonder where Alphonse and Edward are right now," the (H/C) thought, "The storm out side is getting really bad. I hope their back soon." Their thoughts were interrupted by the clanging of wrenches being slammed down on the table.
"(Y/N) I really need you to pay attention. Now hand me that screw." She placed a few screws in her blonde haired friends hand. There was a flash of lightning, thunder rocked the house then the slam of the door opening. (Y/N) jumped out of her seat and hid behind Winry as the three women made their way to the door to see what was happening. A giant, iron made suite stood in the door way in it's bloody hands was Edward. He was missing an arm and a leg, passed out from blood loss.
"Please, please help us." The Armor said. (Y/N) stood speechless. The armor sounded like Al.
"Get him to the bed room, (Y/N) were going to need to to help patch up Edward. You're the best here when it comes to emergencies like this." Pinako said. Snapping out of her faze, (Y/N) snapped into action grabbing the sewing kit and some bandages too.
"Oh Ed, what did you do?" She thought as she got ready for the operation. In the corner, the medal armored soul stood grimy watching this brother get sown back together.
(4 years later)
A now 14-year-old (Y/N) stood in the kitchen making stew. She had a feeling Ed and Al were coming back home today, so she thought it would be nice she made their favorite. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard a certain blond haired shorty yelling out side the door.
"We're back!" Ed yelled as he kicked open the door of the house.
"Welcome back Alphonse," she said with twinkle in her eyes as (Y/N) saw her best friend, "Hiya short stack!"
              "Why you little, who you calling..."
             "Brother, (Y/N) is still shorter than you. Please don't make a fuss." Ed stands there striking a pose in remembrance. You can almost see the stars spinning 'round him.
               "I hope you're hungry Ed, 'cause guess what I made." (Y/N) watches Edward jump up into the air, throwing fists to the roof before running off to the kitchen. Now stood two teens.
               "Um, hi (Y/N)," Alphonse walks over to the girl, " haven't seen you in a while." (Y/N) nods.
               "Al, do you want to go to our secret hiding spot, for old time sake?" Alphonse grabs (Y/N)'s hand, intertwining his glove with her fingers. They walk out of the house together, loving the feeling of silence between them. They didn't need to talk to each other all the time to know what they were feeling or thinking. They just knew already.
            By the time they got to the great willow tree sanctuary, the sun had already gone down. Lightning bugs filled the air making the river almost glow. The shimmering flowers swayed softly in the wind as the two children sat down.
            "So, how were your adventures been so far?"
"Fun, I've seen many things. Ed joined the military, but other than going on all of these missions with him, it's been fun." After that silence. (Y/N) looked up at the metal armor suite smiled brightly.
"(Y/N), um I have something I want to tell you," (Y/N) turns her whole body to Al, show she is paying attention to every word he says, "Well, I'm just going to say it. (Y/N) I-I really like you. B-But more that a best friend should. When you smile I feel all fuzzy inside and when you laugh my legs turn to jelly, even if I am in this suite of armor. When you cry, I want to hold you and make the tears go away. I want to be with you, to protect you, hold you. To be there when you cry or feeling down. Please, accept my feelings." Alphonse says looking down.
"Alphonse," the boy gasps as a hand is put on his, "I like you too, more than a best friend way." That's all Alphonse needed to feel like he was on top of the world.
"Yep, it's been a few years since I saw you and I didn't get to tell you the day you left the house. You're my everything, Al." (Y/N) looks at their hands then looks up at Alphonse and smiles before humming the song she sang so many years ago.
               "La da da da da, la da da da da, la da da da da da, la da da da da da da da." She sang before humming the rest. The two love birds sat there for hours, listening to the buzz of the lightning bugs and the sweet melody (Y/N) was making. (Y/N) starts to doze off during their reunion cutting it shorter than expected.
"You tired?" (Y/N) shook her head, "come one climb on my back." Al stood up as the girl settled and fell in to a light sleep.
Alphonse steps into the house as quiet as he could, careful not to wake the sleeping (H/C) up.
"Where have you two been?" Pinako looks up from her work waiting for an explanation.
"Oh just catching up. Walking around, talking." The pink haired old lady raises an eyebrow, before nodding her head in the direction of (Y/N)'s room.
"You know where she sleeps." Al walks off in that direction. He lays (Y/N) in her bed, pulling the covers over her.
"Good night (Y/N)," he whispers as he makes he way towards the door. Before Al leaves, he hears in a soft voice,
"Night Al."
(Your pov short)
          I saw in the newspaper, some person named, Father, tried to make himself a god by stealing the souls of all the people in Amestris. He was taken down my none other than Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist. I should say former Alchemist. I look out the window of Winry's house listening to the sounds outside, when I got this weird feeling like someone was coming back.
              "Is he coming back?" I thought as I quickly walked past Winry, and out of the house.
               "Hey, (Y/N) where are you going?"
                 "He's coming back Winry, after all of these years!" I beam before racing down the road.
(Alphonse's pov)
        I sat on the stone wall trying to catch my breath once again.
          "Hey, you okay?" My brother, Edward comes to me with concern in his eyes.
           "I didn't realize my muscles had weakened so much on the other side."
             "Do you want me to carry you?"
             "No thanks, I can walk around in my own," Ed smiles down at me, probably thinking about how happy he is to see his brother with a body again, and after all these years, "I'll just move at my own pace, you can go ahead if you want." I know he probably wants to see Winry, and make sure she's okay after everything that's happened.
             "Nope, we left home together, that's how were going to return."
               "Well we better get moving then." I smile at brother as I get up once again. Ed seemed worried at first but after I steadied myself and the cane I'm using he just smiled.
                "Yep." I remember the battle with Father like it was yesterday. I remember how he wanted to sacrificed us for his plans. How he took the souls of the people in Amestris. I remember giving up my own soul to the truth to get brothers arm back. Then I remember waking up, after the battle was over naked in a field, and seeing my brothers face first thing when I woke up. Lastly finally finding out he gave up his alchemy to get me back. He never did get his leg back only his arm.
              "So how's the leg brother?"
              "Well, uhh I haven't maintain it in a while you know, it's stiff."
               "Thank you brother." I say looking down smiling to myself.
                 "Umm, thanks for what?"
                   "Oh, never mind." I laugh. I don't really know how to thank him enough for every thing he has done for me.
                   "Whatever, quit acting so weird."
                    "I wonder how our friend Ling is doing. Do you think they made it back to xing?"
                   "Well it's been 2 months since they left. I'm sure their back by now."
                    "I hope Mai is okay."
                     "There's no being to worry about Al, she's in trust worthy hands." I smile at that. Mai was like the little sister I always wanted. I'm glad she's okay.
         We continue to walk, past rows houses as we make our way through Resembool. Thinking back on everything we went through we sure did make a lot of friends.
                    "We sure did make a lot of friends didn't we brother." Brother gives me a mischievous smirk.
                   "Yeah, especially you Alphonse, you got pretty close with a certain princess. You aiming to be the future prince of Xing?"
                   "Come on, she is a nice girl, but I got my sight on someone else."
                    "Oh really, who is she?" All I do is smile. My mind starts to drift towards (Y/N). How is she doing. Is she well or sick? Did she wait for me like she promised before I left 2 years ago? Will she accept me now that I have my body back? I know she did and I know she will, (Y/N) has always been loyal to the ones she loves. Yet I can't help but wonder.
                   "Forget about that. How about you, and Winry?" That causes Ed to stop and think. I know something is going on between. I just need him to admit it. I stop next to him and look ahead. Before us is the house we've been waiting to come back to for all these years. In that house filled with the people we love most, just waiting to welcome us home.
         The first thing we saw was Den. His ears flapped up as we walked closer to him. Soon enough his big black eyes opened up and stared at us for a small while.
                     "Den, were home boy." Is all I have to say before be starts barking like crazy. He ran towards us, with eyes of happiness. I laugh as he jumps at me trying to lick my face. Then we hear the door open and there stood Winry. I smile up at her once I see her face. She stood there for a moment, staring in shock before tearing up and running to us. She jumped forward knocking brother and I down.
                        "Dummies, welcome home." She says while crying.
                        "Good to back," I smile, "Hey, where's (Y/N)?"
                      "I don't know. She just said he's coming back. Then ran into the woods." She went there. She's probably waiting for me to return. Grabbing my cane I stood up.
                       "I know where she is. Follow me." They two look at me with confusion on their face before following me slowly down the road and into the woods.
       I follow a small path (Y/N) and I made so we would remember where we were going.
                "Al, where are we going?" Edward says behind me.
               "Oh, just some place we found a while ago," I smile, "You must promise not to tell anyone else about this. It won't be so special if everyone knows." They agree to these terms. Making my way to the willow tree, I open its leaves reveling the world my best friend found so many years ago.
               "Wow," is all they could say as they stare that the sparking river and the dancing plants. My eyes only land on the daring girl, dancing in the middle of the great Willow tree.
                "Wow indeed." I say listening to her song.
(Play music now)
La da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da da
La da da da da da da da
Where did all the people go
They got scared when the light went low
I'll get you through it nice and slow when the worlds spinning out of control
Afraid of what they might lose
Might get scraped or they might get bruised
You could beg them, what's the use
That's why it's call a moment of truth, yeah
     I watch her spin around in circles. Her (H/C) hair gently swaying. Her (F/C) dress picked up he movements and moved along with her. I remember those first lyrics she sang.
I'll get it, if you need it
I'll search of you don't see it
You're thirsty, I'll be rain
You get hurt, I'll take your pain
I know you don't believe it
But I said it, and I still mean it
When you heard what I told you
When you get worried, I'll be your soldier
     (Y/N) ran towards the river and kicked the water high into the air, causing it to splash in her head as she laughed.
Funny when times get hard
At the last moment when your supposed to charge
Always on the longest yard
Oh, they feel their feet getting cold
Hiding here, hiding there
Find them underneath the stairs
People hiding everywhere trying to be still as a stone but,
I'll get it, if you need it
I'll search, if you can't see it
You're thirsty, I'll be rain
You get hurt, I'll take you pain
I know you don't believe it
But I said it, and I still mean it
When you heard what I told you
When you get worried, I'll be you soldier
    She grabbed a basket of flowers sitting nears the edge of the river and threw them into the air. Flowers rained down on her as she spun around.
My aim is so true
  I want to show you
I'll try forever
I'm never gonna say surrender
I'll get it, if you need it
I'll search, if you can't see it
You're thirsty, I'll be rain
You get hurt, I'll take your pain
I know you don't believe it (I know)
But I said it, and I still mean it (I know)
When you heard what I told you
When you get worried, I'll be your soldier
     I start to make my way towards her. Hopefully she hasn't notice my presence yet.
  (Na na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na na na) I'll be you soldier
(Na na na na na na na na) I'll be
(Na na na na na na na na) Oh I'll be you soldier
(Na na na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na na na) La da da La da da da da
(Na na na na na na na na) I'll be you soldier
(Na na na na na na na na)
(La) La da da da da
(La) La da da da da
(La) La da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
       I sang the last part quietly with her before wrapping my arms around (Y/N). She stiffened a bit, she probably didn't know who was touching her.
          "Hey, (Y/N) I'm home." I whisper in her ear. Slowly but surely she turned in my arms. Tears swelled up in her beautiful (E/C) eyes.
             "Alphonse, you're b-back." She whispered before throwing her arms around my neck and crying like she'd never see me again.
              "It's okay, (Y/N). Stop crying please." I gently stroked her tears stained cheeks. (Y/N) quickly leans in placing her lips upon mine. They were warm and tasted like vanilla. All to quickly she pulled away from me.
"Al, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't..." I cut her off with another kiss.
"(Y/N), I love you." Then I pull her back into another kiss. She gladly kiss me back causing butterflies to rise in my stomach.
"I love you too, Alphonse." Smiling, I intertwined my fingers with hers.
"I guess a queen always waits for her soldiers to come back."
"And I guess a soldier always comes back to their queen."

Yay it's finished.
4992 words
I know a while ago I said I would put up another chapter of Bullied and I'll be you Hiro and I'm sorry I didn't. I'm still working on I'll be your Hiro and every time I look at bullied my mind goes blank. I'm trying my best. I'm going to try for next month. I'm not sure what time next month but I'll try. I also have a bunch of others I'm starting to write. Hope you like then when they finally get put out.

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