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                                                     Micah couldn't hide anything from me, I wasn't fucking dumb. I watched him from afar, leaning down to kiss Cosminik. I sit back in the tree, sighing. My binoculars fell against my neck giving me a chill. I took the binoculars and began just looking around when I spotted a cute girl walking down the street clutching a pink Coach bag. I hopped down my ladder and made my way up to her, stopping in front of her smiling. She scoffed AND laughed and tried walking around me. 

                                                  "What's your name sweet thing?"

                                                 "Out of your league, big boy. Bye."

           She curled her slender pink finger nailed fingers against her palm and walked away, her small white vans clicking on the cracked pavement. 

                                         "Wait baby, let me at least get your number!"


  She smiles and walks away. I sigh. At a last attempt to see her face again I ask her what her name is. She whips around, almost making herself fall over onto the damp sidewalk. 

                                         "It's Vieno," she hisses, "Now leave me alone, you fuckboy."


       Being a cute Italian androgynous boy has it's perks. But when fuckboys like Tyler Harris approach you, you kinda scream. Tyler is literally a pot head with no life ahead of him. Sure he's cute and has a 4.0, but he listens to rap music and smokes so much pot he could make the fucking world with it - twice. I strolled into the mall, headed towards Barnes and Noble when I spotted a cute black heart necklace. I strolled toward it, but before I could reach it I was swept off my feet. I kicked out and hit a rock hard chest - Tyler fucking Harris. 

                                            "Wow princess, no need to be so violent." 

     I squirm out of his grip and drop to my feet, wiping off my pink sweater in disgust. 

                                            "I'm not your princess. I thought I told you to leave me alone, druggie."

He seemed surprised that I had a bite to me. I never really interacted with anyone but my small group of friends, and I always seemed nice, so I guess it made sense for him to be so confused. 

                                           "Woah, baby girl," his tone was hurt, "I'm not who they say I am."


Now before I even continue with what I responded, note I had never even seen Tyler smoke before. I just assumed since that's what everyone said about him. 

                                             "If you get to know me, you might be surprised. Let me take you out."

I shook my head. Last time I was taken out, it ended up in a fight and two black eyes, a broken nose, and a smashed glass. I wasn't trusting of anyone anymore. Being anywhere near a restaurant made bile rise in the back of my throat and panic course through my veins. 

                                          "I... I am not comfortable with being taken out at all. I don't want to talk about why."

       He just nodded, and replied with a simple 'okay' and a smile. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a box. Inside was the same exact necklace I had been looking at before he picked me up. I smiled and accepted it, sweeping my short brown locks into my hand. He slipped it around my neck with a small peck behind my ear. 

                                          "Tyyyyyyyyy! My man! Who's this cute little thing?"

Being called "cute little thing" made poison course through my veins. I turned to yell when Tyler grabbed me by the arm and squeezed lightly, whispering a soft 'I got you, baby girl.' in my ear. I watched as Mitch approached in disgust and horror. His teeth were rotten, his ratty flannel thrown over his left shoulder. I didn't want to be anywhere near him, let alone on the same planet as him. 

                                          "Hey hey cute little thing, you look like fuuuuuun. Can I borrow her Tyler?"

     CRACK. All eyes were on Tyler as his fist made a sharp connection with Mitch's face. I whimpered and he turned to me. Without looking back he spit. 

                                             "You can disrespect me all you want, Mitch Thomas, but if you disrespect my baby girl again I'll kill you. Got it."

  It wasn't a question. It was a threat. 


My heart raced as I looked up at Micah. He was beautiful, with chocolate brown eyes and sandy blonde hair. I sighed happily as he brushed back my hair into a small bun. 

"Are you going to stay over?"

I nodded and he handed me soft pink shorts. I slipped them on and fell back into his arms. He rocked me gently, whispering cute things in my ear until I fell asleep, the last thing I heard being 'I'm so lucky to have you, Cosminik Flowerhaze.'

(Hello, it's me, Poot. Vieno's outfit is in the media. This chapter was so long kill me (: )

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