Chapter Three

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"Everyone has gone crazy! The teachers, the kids, heck. Everyone!" Jae points out.

"I see that Jae. Now is not the time!"


"Jae. Not now. Everyone has gone crazy. You don't want them to know we are in here"

Suddenly a big thump is heard at the door.

"Stay quiet" I say. Looking around for anything we could use.

"The nurse keeps the flashlights in a box around here somewhere" Fiona says, sitting in the nurses chair.

Everyone started looking around the room.

"I wonder if my girlfriend is ok..." Jae blurts out.

"Oh shut up." Tom smirked. Pulling a box out from the shelves.

"Found 'em"  

Tom flicks a torch on and shines it around the room.

"Everybody take one" I said. Grabbing one myself.

Everyone flicked on the flashlights and Tom opened the door. 

The hallway was empty, But It smelt like fish and dead things.

"Oh...My..." Fiona groaned before throwing up all over the nurses room floor.

"Come on. Quickly" I whisper. Running down the hallway.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" A voice echos down the hallway.

"Who was that?" Christina asks, stopping at my side.

"That...THAT WAS DAVID!" I exclaim. Running down the hall.


I turn a corner and see a big group of people.

"Back Back Back!" I whisper sharply. Backing away from them.

They start coming towards us.

"Go!" Tom shouts. Running back the way we came.

"Its like a maze!" Fiona cries.


I run round the corner and open the door to the bathroom. I shine my flashlight and see 

two of the mad..crazy people. Trying to get into a toilet cubical.

I grab a toilet brush.

"Stay back!" I exclaim to them, "I warn you!"

One hisses. Pouncing at us. Its head hits off the toilet brush. It goes inside the skull and it flops down.

"Oh my god!" Christina shakes. Feeling sick.

I whack the other one over the head and it hisses slightly, falling to the ground on top of the other.

"Hello?" I whisper. The toilet door swings open and out falls David.

"Oh my god. Blake. What the hell is going on? these things are just like all up in my stuff!!"

"Its cool you are here dude. We need to get the hell out of this school!"

"I agree. Looks like you got a army with you!" David jokes.

We walk out the bathroom. Looking around.

"OK. If we go down the hall and too the left the exit is there. Lets go" I whisper. Slowly walking down the hallway with a toilet brush in my hand.

"Lets make a run for it!" Tom exclaims. Running off.

"TOM!" I hiss. Running after him. The others at my heels.

I turn the corner and see him open the doors. Exiting the building.

I look outside.

"What....The Atual Fuck?"

Blood Spill.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ