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I was on my way to first with my best friend savannah and as usual we were ignoring everyone. "Dude there going to kill you about your hair and perching again savannah said. "I don't care " I said laughing. "Aye avail bring that ass over here "jc yelled. "Fuck you jc go sucks Sams dick and get over your self " I yelled. "Nah babe that'd your job " Sam said and by this point everyone was looking at us. "Mrs.soto mr.caylen and mr.pottoff get to my office now "the consaler yelled. "Ah suck my dick " jc yelled to her and walked by me and we all went to her.
There's a long back story with me and jc. We were best friends all the way until 8th grade. Then I started to get feelings for jc well I had always liked him. Then we started to hang out with Sam and he completely changed he wasn't the same anymore. I was standing there thinking about how he was and I started to get sad me and jc did everything together. We were so close we took baths together. "Mrs.soto "mrs.garza yelled. "What I said snapping out if it. "You need to not yell at him next time if he sas that tell us and your hair and lip perching have to go. Same for you Sam we told you already. "She yelled. "And "We both said at the same time. "Fine all 3 of you have detention this Saturday and avail you have till Friday to change your hair color or your suspended. "She said and I started to laugh. "What " she said. "I'm not being in a room with them Saturday I have things to do "I said. "Looks like your stuck with us availy "jc said and I gave him a wired look. He hasn't called me that since we were little. "Oh and I can't come Friday my best friend is moving down here "he said. "Well you have no choice r I will see you all mouth "she said and I just Walked out and went to First witch I had with jc so he was right behind me "I don't understand why you hate me hot stuff "he said stopping me "Really jc don't go there "I said. "What did I ever do to you "he said. "Your a fucken dick " I said with my eyes getting watery. "Are you really going go cry "he said laughing. "Jc remember how we were. Jc we hung out all the time and that's all changed "I said Turing away fom him. "Maybe it should of had "he said grabbing my hands. "Well it did " I said and walked in class. Everyome looked and me and I just sat down. "Were did you go "mrs.gonzal ask. "We were in the office "jc said walking in and sitting down. All the rest of the class I was qite and not in the mood.

"Avail you can't move "savannah yelled at me as we sat down. "It's are last week of school there's not point "she said laughing. "True it's jut lots is happening "I said eating a frie "like"ofi said sitting by us. "Um so you know how I was in trouble jc asked why I hated hum and that why did we stop talking and we should again and is said no"i said wanting to cry. "You can't give in to him "they both said. And jc walked passed by me with his girlfriend lia. "I know " I said and just got up and threw my try away. "Yall want to leave "Everly said walking up to us. "Yeah I have to die my hair again " I said. "Okay Um after lunch we will take off so have your things savannah said. "Dude jc is cute though "Everly said. "Ehh"i said and sat down and I heard laughing and pointing at me.

Jc pov

I was currently telling Sam about what happened with avail. I was upset about it I mean. We were best friends and now she hates me. "Your a dick"sam said in a grill voice pointing to avail. I saw here eyes water up and she just Walked to her chair. "Sam realky"i said. "What's wrong dude you love her " Sam yelled and everyone was now looking at us. "Nah why would I she's trash "I yelled laughing when it wasn't true at all. Ava stood up and walked over to us. "You know what jc I hope you chock on your food after all that why arnt we friends and we should talk again bull shit you said you can shove it up your ass. Just because you want to be a fucken wanna be around all your friends. Jc we all know your truly not like this. The real jc everyome knows before this wasn't like this. So go fuck your self and learn some respect "Avail yelled and me and everyone started to laugh. I sat there quite thinking avail out what I just did.

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