Kasamatsu Yukio (2)

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"Oh, [First Name]-san! You're here! Come on in!"

[Name] went inside the house, looking at the familiar setting. She was glad to see that her favorite painting was still up in the hallway. She followed the older woman that had let her inside the house into the living room. [Name] was asked if she wanted to sit down, but she declined. She knew what was going to happen next, and she didn't want to be sitting down for it. "Was I late, Kasamatsu-san?" she nervously asked. Even though she had been to their house many times, she was still nervous when talking to the older woman. She smiled. "Dear, everyone living in this house is a Kasamatsu. Call me okaa-san!" she said excitedly, ignoring the question the girl had just asked. [Name] nodded, wringing her hands. She could never get used to her ways.


Suddenly, two pairs of arms tackled [Name]. She almost fell over but managed to stay standing up. She pried the arms open and knelt down. "How are my two favorite boys doing today?" she asked. The youngest one at three years old squealed and told her about how he got a new toy. The older one at seven years old shrugged and gave a vague comment. Their mother kissed them both on the cheeks, ignoring the complaint from the seven-year-old. "Be good boys for [First Name]-san, okay?" They both nodded.

Kasamatsu turned around and hugged [Name]. "You are such a dear! I wish I had at least one daughter!" she exclaimed. [Name] awkwardly hugged the older woman. "Um, okaa-san, shouldn't you be going right now?" [Name] asked. She saw the older woman look down at her watch and gasp. "Oh, you're right! Honey, it's time to go!" she yelled upstairs. A man, who looked like the older version of his teenage son, walked down the stairs. He walked over to his wife and kissed her cheek. "I'll go start the car," he said in a gruff voice. She kissed him on the lips, making their two boys gag in disgust. She giggled and pushed him away.

"Oh, yes. Yukio is going to come home during the evening. I think he has a basketball game today. I feel horrible for not going, but he understands that we have a day to ourselves. Make sure that he-" She gestured toward the seven-year-old son,"-does his homework. And if you could, help him in math. Thank you so, so much, [First Name]-san! We'll be home close to midnight. See you then!" she exclaimed, smushing [Name]'s cheeks together and kissing one of them. She smiled and locked the door after her.

Turning around, she looked at the two pairs of steel blue eyes looking back at her. She glanced up at the clock.

It was 30 minutes after noon. She sighed and rolled up her sleeves. She put her hands on her hips. "Who wants to go to the park?" she asked. The three-year-old cheered happily and the other one raised his hand while waving it.


"Onee-chan, I'm hungry!"

After a while at the park, they decided to go home and play for a while. [Name] picked up the three-year-old boy. "Well, what do you guys think about curry?" she asked. He nodded. She turned towards the stairs. "Get your coat! We're going out!" she yelled. She heard rustling from upstairs. Putting on her own coat and the small child's coat, she grabbed her shoes. "Wait! I can do this by myself, Onee-chan!" he yelled, grabbing his own shoes. Plopping his butt on the floor, he put his shoes on. He gave her a wide smile. She patted his head. "Good job!"

"Where are we going, onee-chan?" the seven-year-old asked, walking down the stairs. She leaned down and zipped up his coat. "We are going to buy ingredients for dinner!" she exclaimed. He nodded and put on his shoes. As soon as he finished, she grabbed both of their hands. "Today, we're going to walk down to the store! Make sure that you guys stay close to me, okay?" Not even waiting for an answer, she sent a text to their mother to tell where they were going, went out the door, locked it, and dragged them away.

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