||chapter 6||

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A/n:when the paramedics and surgeons are speaking I will put the thing
Reminder:emma is in a coma and is seeing all these thing like if she were a ghost so no one can hear her or see her.


Am I dead? Is all that went through my head while I was in the back of the ambulance just staring at my body people checking my pulse and heart .

That's when we went to a stop
We just arrived at the hospital .

They opened the doors

M1- bring her out

They started taking me out in the stretcher .


M2- no palable ,deformits at this time
M1- go,go,go

I followed them we arrived at the main lobby

D1- okay sow what do we got here?

W1-collapsed lungs ,broken ribs

M3-looks like three
W2-abraisons to the legs,face

M1-brain constutions,

M2-full extend unknown.

W1-and an eternal bleed.

W2- the rest of the family is on the way in

D2-ultra sound,x-ray,12chem type and cross match

D3-let's get the rt down here please
They closed the curtains

W1- on my count 1,2,3

That's all I heard

I looked around and saw a person at the front desk I went up to her
Emma: hey I need to check on my family its maria Alonso,Fransisco Alonso and Tyler Alonso .

good to go

She just walked away
I saw a list at the end of the desk and it read " arrived patients"

I walked over there and as soon as I saw Tyler's name the woman took the list

Emma : hey I was trying to look at that!

D2-ruptured spleen we got to move people

N2-take emma Alonso to operating room 1.

D2-okay let's get her in there

I followed them

D1-alright we need to remove the spleen ,drain the lung and figure out what's causing the bleed.

D2- if she wants to live she better start fighting

emma:fighting? How am I suppose to start fighting?

they walked away

Emma: Someone just talk to me just help me please !

That's when the door shut I look through the window

Some nurses come out and I go inside

D2-have you contacted any family members ?

N1-were working on that sir

I see everyone doing so many things getting tools taking glass out but I don't feel any of it .

Emma: Am I dying?

I see a nice nurse lean down

N: here's the secret baby,you control this whole thing if you live if you die it's all up to you .

Emma: I don't know how to control any of this !

What does she mean ?

A/n: sorry I'd this isn't good I was rushing through the chapter but I hope you guys likes it!

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