Me X Izaya Part 2

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I woke up blinking rapidly and I looking around, notcing I was laying on a bed with Izaya on me and he was grabbing my breasts and squeezing them.
"I-i-I-i-I-i-I-Izaya!!!!!" I shouted at him, my face red with panic.
"What?" Izaya looked suprised because he's never seen me this flustered.
"Your g-grabbing m-m-my....!" I stuttered.
"Your what?" Izaya asked.
"My boobs!" I instictively grabbed his hands and tried to pull them off my breasts but he was too strong for me.
"Oh. Why do you care?" Izaya asked another question.
"Because!" I put my hands on his chest and pushed him off, letting myself fling away from him onto the floor.
"Your my property, I can do whatever I want with you~" Izaya smiled.
'That wasn't something Izaya would say...Unless he was joking...He must be joking...' I thought as Izaya pinned me while I was on the floor.
"Come on! Stop playing around Izaya!" I said to him.
"But Im not playing around." Izaya said.

"You belong to me."

"I own you."

"You are my property...Momo-chan~"

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"You see...Momo-chan. I decided to claim you for my own before someone else does.." Izaya explained.

"Don't touch me!" Momo ordered him.

"Is my property trying to order me? I don't think so. Now hold still." Izaya said as he pulled up my shirt.

Momo flinched and squirmed. "N-no! Stop Izaya! I don't like this!"

"What don't you like? Everything you need is here" He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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