Chapter 6

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The next morning came as it always did. I got out of bed and threw on a shirt before heading downstairs. I made myself some tea before watching some tv. I flipped through the channels and finally decided to watch the Avengers.

Watching it sort of reminded of my life right now. A war would break out by Liam and deep down inside I know it will happen. Harry would be attacked and I hate to see the outcome of it all.

I watched as Loki battled his brother Thor. As the movie came to an end I was done with my tea. I turned off the tv and put my mug in the sink. I threw on some TOMS and headed out the door. I headed towards Harry's house.

It was nice out today and warm out. I finally reached his house and knocked. About a minute later Harry opened the door, he smiled when he saw it was me. He stepped aside and let me in before closing the door.

I sat down on the couch while he sat in a chair across from me. "Louis I really need to talk to you. Not just about what happened a few days ago but about Liam and his crew also." Harry said seriously. I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"first off,Louis I'm sorry for hurting you and throwing you outside my house." He said looking at me for forgiveness. "Harry I know it was an accident, you couldn't control yourself, I forgive you" I whispered.

Harry looked relieved and he visibly relaxed more. "Louis I'm also sorry for yelling at you the other day. It was wrong of me. You were still scared from what had happened and I take my actions back" He whispered.

"it's ok Harry" I said, I smiled a bit at him. "Harry I have to ask you something important, and please be honest with me" I whispered. He looked concerned and worried suddenly. "what is it Louis" he asked.

"it's Liam" I said keeping my head low. "what about him" Harry asked. "does he have the ability to form an army and attack" I asked. I looked up and saw Harry deep in thought. He looked me straight in the eyes and then slowly nodded.

"he does, he can easily create one" Harry whispered. I felt my heart beat pick up, it was possible and I new if it was possible its bound to happen. "there will be a battle Harry, I can feel it, and I'm scared something bad will happen to you" I whispered.

"Louis all we can do is hope I can defeat Liam and the others. If I can't I want you to run, run as far as you can until you reach safety. I'm sorry if I can not protect you from them" Harry said. "I will not leave you, I can't just let them kill you Harry." I said angrily.

"Louis they'll kill you if they find you or even see you again" Harry shouted. "I couldn't live with myself knowing you died because I couldn't protect you from them" he whispered.

"you don't have to protect me Harry! It's my job to kill vampires and werewolves! Its what I do! I could shoot them to death. You can't defeat them alone" I yelled. Harry looked taken back. "my mission was to kill you! You've killed so many hunters in your life, and what I'm still wondering is why you didn't finish me off when you had the chance" I screamed.

"I couldn't kill you. You were different. I knew when I first saw you that you were scared, scared to come into my house and kill me. I was going to kill you, I truly was, but I just couldn't" Harry whispered.

"well the night I came to kill you was the night you tried to rape me Harry. You would rape me and then kill me. I mean nothing to you and you know that. One day you'll lose control and kill me" I whispered dangerously low.

"Louis that's not true, you know that's not true. I love you Louis. There I said it and I truley mean it" Harry said. I still didn't believe him. "YOU CLAIM TO LOVE ME, BUT YOU'RE JUST GOING TO KILL ME" I shouted, he flinched back at the tone of my voice.

"I do love you Louis" Harry said trying to get me to believe him. "I mean nothing to you, I'm just your toy, something you'll kill when you get bored" I yelled. "Louis no please, believe me" Harry begged.

"NO" I yelled. Harry eyes went darker and it was a dangerous shade of green. He walked closer and I stepped back each time he took a step forward. My back hit the wall and Harry had me pinned there. Harry leaned in and his lips met mine.

He kissed me deeply, trying to prove he loved me. I pulled my head away and snarled, "you don't love me". He went to kiss me again, but I but his lip hard making him step back and release me. He held his lip and glared at me.

Before I knew it I was pinned to the floor by my neck with Harry straddling my waist. I tried to pry his hands off of me but his grip only tightened. "stop playing hard to get and listen to me" Harry growled.

I squeaked as he squeezed harder, my windpipe was slowly being cut off. I then managed to flip us over trying to pin Harry but failed miserably. We tumbled around on the floor fighting eachother Harry was winning.

I froze when I felt fangs gently ghost over my neck. Harry kissed my neck sweetly, I knew what I was going to do next would cause even more problems, but I was scared that Harry would bite me.

I reached slowly down and pulled out my gun I kept on me. Harry stumbled back and growled at me. "I'm not afraid to kill you Harry" I whispered threateningly. "do it, I dare you" he growled.

My hands were shaking and I knew I couldn't do it. Deep down I loved him, and my heart wouldn't let me pull the trigger on him. Harry was watching me, his fangs out and ready to attack.

I slowly lowered the gun and smashed it against the floor, breaking it in half. Harry didn't seem surprised, at my decision. "I knew you couldn't do it" Harry said, the anger leaving his eyes completely.

Harry suddenly hugged me, I hesitantly hugged back. "I'm sorry Louis" Harry said pulling away.

"Harry I forgive you and I love you Harry" I whispered.

Harry smiled and closed the distance between us. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. We were battling for dominance and eventually Harry won.

We pulled apart and I rested my forehead against his. Harry smiled at me and held me close.

"Louis Tomlinson would you please be my boyfriend?"....



I'm so sorry about not updating! A lot has been happening recently and I've been writing whenever I had time to. Please vote and comment. Please

leave any ideas you may have.



Killer { Larry Stylinson vampire } ON HOLDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz