Exceeds Expectations (Part 1)

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The life of a speed queen centered around, well, speed. However, after a long, tiring day of making things go faster, and test-driving her babies to perfect speeds, the queen just likes relaxing at her apartment, wolfing down popcorn and watching action movies. It's like a system for her; speed up, slow down. Uptight, unwind.

But on this particular Saturday evening, while she was just starting the new Bond movie, a handful of buttered popcorn on the way to her mouth, someone pounded on her door, making her jump. Her eyes sought her wall clock; it was twelve midnight. What was anyone doing, knocking on her door? She debated with herself; there was that slight chance that whoever was at the door was a serial killer. Then again, if anyone wanted to kill her, she'd probably be dead by now.

She had to stop watching horror movies. Especially the ones that Honey suggested.

The pounding intensified. "GoGo, please open up!" Her eyes widened; what the hell was Tadashi doing here at this hour?

No longer hesitating, she paused the film and walked to the door of her apartment, expecting Tadashi to be alone... And was surprised to see not only him standing in the hallway, but his younger brother, and Fred and Wasabi as well. "What's going on?" she asked suspiciously, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We didn't know he couldn't hold his liquor!" Wasabi blurted out.

GoGo narrowed her eyes. "Did you get Tadashi drunk? What were you guys doing?"

After a few seconds, Fred, Wasabi and Tadashi burst out laughing. "No, Tadashi's fine. Really. It's the younger brother we were talking about," Fred said easily.

It was then that GoGo realized two things. One, that Hiro had a dazed, almost creepy sort of grin on his face, and that two, his cheeks (and basically his entire face) were a bit more red than the other three in front of her."Oh, no."

"Guysssssss, I'm not drunk!" Hiro hiccuped, and pushed GoGo aside to run into her apartment. "Heyyyy, when did we get a TV in the lab? Look guys, it's Sylvester Stallone!" he gestured wildly at the screen, where Daniel Craig stared at them broodingly.

The boys snickered, but immediately shut up when GoGo glared. "One minute. Explain."

Tadashi stepped forward. "We had a guys night out- Aunt Cass knew, okay?" He faltered when GoGo continued to stare him down. "Okay, okay, we were supposed to be watching movies. But then Fred brought out beer. And I didn't want to drink, I mean okay, fine, I did, and Hiro said no, but uhm... Once we got him to drink, he practically forgot I existed, and everyone started drinking, and well, we didn't realize that Hiro was a-"

"Guys, I have toes!" Hiro laughed, looking at his feet.

"Lightweight?" GoGo finished Tadashi's sentence, now only slightly amused. Slightly.

"Look, GoGo, if we bring him home now in that state, Aunt Cass is going to castrate us!" Wasabi begged.

"What do you want me to do, and what's in it for me?" she deadpanned, only mildly concerned by the crashing noises behind her.

"Babysit him. Until he's like. Back to normal," Tadashi said quickly. "There's no way I can sneak him past Aunt Cass like that."

"I can't keep him because my parents have relatives over," Wasabi winced. "Honey Lemon's at that chemistry convention for the weekend."

"And there are a lot of breakable things at mine." Everyone looked at Fred, who shrugged. "My dad's pretty cool. Just don't break his action figures."

"Can't you just, I don't know, say that only the three of you were drinking, while you all got Hiro some juice?" she suggested dryly.

"Like she'd believe that!" Tadashi squawked out. "She'd have everyone's head if she knew I'd been in the same room as an alcoholic beverage!"

Exceeds Expectations- A HiroGo One-shot StoryWhere stories live. Discover now