Exceeds Expectations (Part 3)

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There was a pounding in his head like he wouldn't believe.

He wanted to die.

Hiro groaned, and shifted in his bed - which felt, strangely, softer than the mattress he usually slept on. And a bit warmer. He furrowed his eyebrows, clutching tighter at the soft, irregularly shaped pillow in his arms... He really should buy another of these pillows. They it so perfectly in his arms. There was something amiss, though... He didn't remember any of his pillows smelling like lavender.

His eyes flew open, and he groaned again at the sudden light. His older  brother was a sadist; leaving the curtains open like that was bound to blind someone. And then his pillow made a little grunting noise, and Hiro  all but fell out of the bed, his head spinning, the pillow still in his arms.

"What. The... Freaking... Hell!" GoGo rubbed her eyes, her short black hair sticking up unnaturally, creating the most wondrous bed head. She suddenly became aware of a pair of arms around her, and, fearing the worst (or best?), she slowly, ever so slowly opened her eyes...

And saw Hiro's wide eyes looking back at her.

GoGo yelped, and scrambled away from him as she backed into the nearest wall. "You crossed the line!" she yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him. "I specifically told you-"

"What line?" he asked, the blood rushing to his head, wondering what on earth she was talking about. "What did I do? Why am I here?" A new thought dawned on him. "What did I do... To you?"

"Nothing! Nothing, nothing." GoGo ran her hands down her face. "This is not how I was supposed to wake up this morning," she groaned. "I told you this was going to happen, but you didn't listen to me!"

The realization dawned on him. "Was I drunk last night?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, glaring at him. "No sh*t, Sherlock." There was a pregnant silence as the two of them looked at each other; one obviously more panicked then the other.

"Please tell me you didn't find me on some road somewhere."

"Nope, you were brought to me."

He was silent. "Can you slowly tell me everything that happened last night?"

"We'll get through all that crap once I've had my cup of coffee," she muttered crossly.

He smiled faintly at her, despite the continuous, persistent feeling that GoGo's room was spinning. "Wow, someone's a ball of sunshine when she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed."

She glared at him even more, and Hiro  finally, finally understood the meaning of the words, 'If looks could kill'. The room swayed again, and he grimaced; GoGo's face softened a fraction, as if realizing he was hung over. "You can check the medicine cabinet if you need anything," she said, the accusatory tone fading from her voice. "Just look for the white container that reads 'Tablets for Inebriated Idiots'."

Hiro   couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks, but all I need is a good cup of coffee. I've never been good with medicine, for some reason." He stood up slowly, trying to balance himself. "How much did I drink last night?"

At that comment, she smirked. "You told me something about 'losing count at one'."

Hiro turned a faint shade of pink. "You still keep your coffee stuff in that second drawer, right?"

She nodded, a smirk still present on her face. "I'm going to make myself presentable," she stretched, getting up on her own. "I like my coffee-"

"-With two sugars, no cream," Hiro  finished, as he sauntered out of her room.

Exceeds Expectations- A HiroGo One-shot StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat