Chapter four

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"I know, but I'm not sure about how much further you can walk Emma" He spoke as he looked down at me, "I can make it" I answered before standing up too, seeing a glint of anger in Ruby's eyes. She doesn't trust him, of course she doesn't. "We have to find a tall building, then we can barricade the lower floor and sleep on the top floor ourselves" Aaron spoke as his gaze met Ruby's. "Okay, let's go then" Ruby spoke and turned around to walk away, me and Aaron following right behind. Aaron took the lead and we softly walked out of the building, thankfully not seeing any zombies nearby. "There" Aaron softly said as he pointed at a tall building a couple of blocks away, "think you can make that?" He asked me. I nodded my head in response and we started walking again, but Aaron suddenly grabbed both of our arms to pull us into a alleyway. "Scientists" He whispered as he kept us pulled against him in the shadows. I looked at the street to see a group with the same jackets from the previous group walk by, all of them armed with guns. After a few minutes Aaron let go of us again after he made sure the group had really left. "We can take care of ourselves you know?! We've been doing that for the past 4 years!!" Ruby whisper-yelled as she stepped in front of him. "Well thank god, otherwise I would had to babysit 2 kids" "You're already busy enough with one certain kid aren't you?" Ruby spoke as her eyes briefly met mine before she walked away. I ran behind her and stopped her by pulling on her arm, "STOP TREATING ME LIKE A CHILD!" I yelled in her face, "THEN STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH THAT GUY!?" She yelled back. "SILENT! BOTH OF YOU!!" Aaron interrupted us and walked past us towards the building, the 2 of us standing in silence for a while before following him.

Fuck, we really have to hurry up. But oh, I'm not done with Emma, and especially not with Aaron. Luckily we reach the building in time, now we still need to climb the stairs. "Emma, come on my back" I say to her, "I can-" I give Aaron a death glare which causes him to stop talking. I look at Emma for a moment, she looks very tired and sick, perhaps should find some medicines for here and clean the wound. Even though the zombie virus hasn't infected it, but who knows what did! Luckily Emma complies and climbs on my back, I try to walk upstairs as quick as I could but after 4 floors I'm dead tired. "Shall I carry her the rest of the way?" Aaron asks as he looks over at me, this time I don't give him a death glare like the 3 times before. I let Emma stand on the floor again and let Aaron carry her. Finally we reached the top floor! I'm trying really hard to not just lie down on the floor. We walk through a couple of floors until we finally reach a good one. Aaron carefully sets Emma down on her feet and I walk over to one of the windows, this time a few shard of glasses still remain so I have to be careful. And now we wait for the evening which can still take a while, hopefully everything will remain calm.

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