This Thing Here

50 3 2

Tagged By: AmethystHazelEyes

I tag: 















1. You must tag 13 people.

2. Then they have to reveal 13 facts about themselves.

3. They must answer all questions.

4. No refusing!

5. You can't comment here.

6. You must post these rules.

7. Your post has to have a unique title.

8. This has to be done within a week!

13 facts about me: 

1. I'm American.

2. I LOVE CHERYL FERNANDEZ VERSINI!! (Like dude, she's my freaking idol!)

3. I'm left handed.

4. My favorite foods include pizza and Chinese.

5. I love to read.

6. I'm a Univeristy student.

7. I'm a Social Work major! (woo woo!)

8. I'm a country girl at heart (though will eventually probably move to the city!)

9. I have one biological brother, a half brother, and two half sisters.

10. I love chocolate.

11. I write all the time (literally the only creative thing about me!)

12. My favorite color is purple!

13. My favorite film is The Bodyguard (I cry all the time idk!)

Questions asked by AmethystHazelEyes

1. What are your top 3 favorite artists/bands?

Cheryl, Fifth Harmony, and Coldplay!

2. What is your favorite season?


3. How tall are you?


4. How you doing?

I'm fab thanks! :)

5. Have you read any of my stories?

Freaking DUH!!! I'm literally forever reading Cheriah ;) lol

6. Who are your ships?

At the moment? Camren obvs (Camila & Lauren from 5H), and Morcia (Morgan & Garcia off Criminal Minds).

7. What genres of books do you read?

Crime and drama novels are the way to go here :)

8. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

The power to just shoot money from my hands when I need it lol

9. If you were the opposite gender for a day, what would you do?

Enjoy the fact that I can actually pee standing up, and not have to sit on them horrid toilet seats (the public restrooms at uni; blergh)

10. If you could have anything in the whole world right now, what would it be?

A cuddle off my love!

11. Do you like music right now? Or do you prefer music from before?

A bit half and half - I like some of today's music, but I also like older music.

12. What's one of your best memories?

Probably the day my best friend gave birth to my nephew/godson!

Questions for the tagged: 

1. What is your favorite color?

2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

3. What is your best childhood memory?

4. What was the last thing you brought from the store?

5. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

6. If you could only listen to one artist/band for the rest of your life, who would it be?

7. What is your favorite song at the moment?

8. What is your favorite TV show?

9. What was the best present you ever received?

10. Party animal or homebody?

11. Top four places you want to travel to?

12. What are your hobbies?

13. How old are you?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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