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Finally falling asleep, a deep sleep, I could feel the relief of going to NeverLand as I faded away.

{Luna's Pov}

I got back to NeverLand, I ran into the forest looking for Pan, even though I don't know him he makes me comfortable, I found myself at his camp, I looked around screaming his name with tears streaming down my face "Peter!!," that was the first time I call him Peter but I was too upset to care.

He soon walked out of from behind some bushes across the camp looking at me concerned "Luna?," he asked widely, "Peter!," I screamed running over to him jumping as i hugged him, he fell to the ground with a slight grunt.

"Peter! I'm so glad I found you! I need your comfort so bad right now!," I said as tears ran down my face the tears that have balled up inside as I ran looking for him.

"What's wrong, love?," he questioned my tears falling into his chest "it's my little brother Edith! My nightmare came true, my ruthless and careless mother had beaten him so much more then his body has taken," I blurred out as I sobbed in his chest as he sat up leaving me on his lap.

"Come, talk to me," he whispered in my ear as he went to stand up "I'm too weak and sad to move Peter," I said as I hitched my breath trying to calm myself down, he still stood up but carried me with him as my legs where still on his hips and my arms around his neck with my face dug into his neck.

After a little walking he sat back down on a bed that looked like his hut, "so what's wrong love?," Peter said as he rubbed my back, I have to admit his comforts are amazing even though I just met him.

"Edith my little brother, he has mental problems which my mom cares nothing about him and treats him different, I had d nightmare how my mother had beaten him so much more then he ever has, it's killing me inside Peter," I explained as I shoved my face more in his neck as tears steamed down my face.

"Shh, it's ok, I'm here," he said as I started to sob more with each breath, "I don't know what to do Peter, I can't take seeing my brother like that," I said as I started to slowly calm down.

"I know love," he said as he kept rubbing my back, we sat there for a while in silence as I calmed down and took deep breaths.

"Peter?," I asked as I laid my head on his chest at moved my legs to one side of his body, "what is it love?," he said with his accent that warned my up some how, "why are you so nice and gentle with me? You just meet me," I said curiously.

"I am the leader which makes everyone afraid of me but with you it's different, I can't really explain how," he said as he picked me up as he stood up laying me down on the bed.

"Oh," was all I could mange to say, I wonder why I'm different, is it just because I'm very emotional??, Peter laid next to me and wrapped his arm around me so my back was pressed against his back, I felt safe, like home.

"Good bye Luna," he said with a smile, what! I don't want to leave, "I don't want to wake up, I love it here, it feels safe and like home," the last part I said quietly "I know love, may we meet again," he smile as he pressed a kiss on my forehead as I felt myself drift away.

I woke up still next to Edith, I pulled him closer to me as I moved his hair back from his eyes "oh my poor Edith," I whispered as I heard my mother slam the door to what seemed to be the house door, she must have went to the bar, I just hate her so much!.

I got off the bed as i stood next to the bed I heard Edith "Luna," he said weakly, I bent down next to him as a tear rolled down his face "Luna, will you make egg sandwiches like how you always make them for me?," he said as he tried to smile.

"Anything for you, just stay her," I said as I kissed his forehead and walked away out of my room, I can't let my mother do this to him anymore, he deserves better, I have to, I need to, I will take his beatings from my mother if it means keeping him safe and alive.

Was It Really A dream? {Ouat PeterPan FanFic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora