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"Get the hell out of my house!" I hear my mother scream, again, to my low life of a father.

June 25th, 2016.


I lazily shove my covers off of me, kicking at my thick comforter, squinting at the sun shining through my window. My head feels light and heavy all at once as I sit up. "Fuuuuck." I groan at the annoying combination of shouting, a headache, and bright morning sunlight.

What a hang-over.

Throwing my face back into my pillow, I scream just loud enough to relive some minuscule amount of stress, but not loud enough for my mother to hear. As I begin to pull my covers back over my cold (blooded and hearted) self, my phone goes off.

"The hell do they want?" I reach over to my old, wooden night-stand which sits between my bed and my window. Feeling around for my phone, not bothering to take my face out of the pillow, I hear and feel it go off, again. "Whhhaaaaaaaat?!" I scream.

God, my head. Screaming isn't helping, you dingus. Cut it out. 

I pick up my phone and roll on to my side as my head begins to throb. I turn it on and unlock it.

6669. Heh.

I squint my eyes as I look into my screen. As I open my missed calls, the phone starts to ring again.


I growl quietly and answer the phone. I roll onto my back and throw my blanket over my head. "What do you want, you massive dick?" I growl into the phone, "You know not to call me before 10:30." I drop my leg off the side of my bed and sigh.

"Ryn, it's one in the after noon." I sit straight up and look at my alarm clock on the side of my bed.

Oh shit, it is 1:00!

"Oh my fuck! I'm late!" Alex and I were going to meet up at our favorite cafe downtown, The Blue Star, at 12:30 then go see a movie at the theater next door to it! And I accidentally slept in and totally blew him off. "Oh lorty," I facepalm myself and quietly screech to let out some pent up anger, "I completely ditched you. I'm so sorry, man."

"Dude. It's chill. I've just been waiting here for like 40 minutes with a bunch of flowers, getting awkwardly stared at. No biggy." He chuckled. God bless his sarcasm.

"Okay. Well. The movie doesn't start 'til three. So, I'll be over there in about 30 minutes and we can still go catch it, okay?" I rub my temples, gently trying to push back this headache.

"Sure thing. Just hurry up. I'm starting to get embarrassed from all the pity looks."

"Haha! Just flash them that award-winning smile o' yours and I'm sure they wont feel that bad for you." I stick my tongue out playfully, even though I know he can't see me.

"Hahaha! Alright kid. Better hope no one else falls for this gorgeous hunk-of-man. You wouldn't want to lose me to some blonde-bimbo." I can practically hear him smirking.

I grin and roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll be there soon."

"See ya." And then I hang up.

I lay back down, a smile on my face.

I love him so much.

Then I hear my mom crying in her room, and my smile fades.

"Hmm." I slowly sit up, holding my head as it is starting to spin from all the moving. I turn to my nightstand and grab the bottle of Advil off of it. I open the bottle, only half paying attention to what I am doing, and pour out a couple pills into my hand. I pop them into my mouth, grab a drink from my water bottle, and swallow them. All while considering what to wear.

My mother's lonely, disappointed sobs drift through the air, under my door, and lays to rest on my heart. Filling the cracks with hopelessness and despair, making it grow heavier and heavier.

I wonder when it's going to crumble beneath it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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