Blaze x Reader {Good Things Come To Those Who Wait}

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~Blake's POV~

I watched her from a nether fortress window as she stepped out of her portal. "Geez she's absolutely gorgeous!"

"Got a crush lover boy?" A smug voice said from behind me.

"Shut it Wilson. Like you've never liked someone before." I said turning around to face the guy behind me.

"I haven't. Love is a waste of time." He responded rolling his eyes.

"You're just sour because no one has liked you yet and your brother got a girlfriend before you."

"Tch. Like I would care about something as stupid as that." Wilson turned on his heel and walked off down the corridor. (Wilson is a wither Skeleton btw)

I turned back around to look out the window at the girl but unfortunately she had already left. "Dammit. She's gone." I sighed leaning against a wall running my fingers through my golden locks of hair. "One day we'll meet my princess I'm sure of it!~" I slightly chuckles to myself and imagined what she could possibly be like personality wise.

~Your POV~

You decided to go explore the nether fortress. You've been putting it off for the last two weeks because you had no clue what possible dangers could await inside the fortress's walls. At last you built up the nerve to explore it. You cautiously rounded every corner and did your best to avoid holes in the fortress floors that led to certain doom below aka lava. You hopped over a two block wide gap in the floor. "Woo! Imma friggin ninja heck yeah!-" you felt your foot slip and you fell backwards. You let out a loud scream but you were able grab onto the ledge. You looked down only to see your diamond sword being melted by the lava below. "Dammit..." You attempted to climb back up but failed only making you lose your grip more. "HELLP SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! SAVE ME PLEASE!" You felt yourself losing your grip more and more by the second. Was this the end? Is this how you would die? You heard foot steps running down the hallway but it was too late... You had already found a way to pull yourself back up onto the floor and dusted yourself off. "That was a close one..." You closed the gap with some left over dirt then turned around and faced the boy whom was running to try and save you from certain death a few seconds earlier. "Uh... Thanks dude." He had tanned skin, bright orange eyes, and shaggy golden hair.

"Oh uh heh um no problem miss... Just uh... Uhm trying to help." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You can call me (Y/N)... No need to call me miss." I smiled slightly.

"That's a beautiful name..." His face turned bright red. "U-uh I mean... Uh ahem I'm Blake it's nice to finally meet you."

"Finally?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I uh I mean I've seen you walk out of your portal and I really wanted to meet you." He let out a nervous chuckle. "So uh are you okay? You're not injured or anything right?"

"No I think I'm fine just a little bit shaken up... I think I'll go home for today. I think that was enough exploration for one day."

"Oh okay good. So um do you need help finding your way out of the fortress? I know that to new comers the fortress lay out can be pretty confusing."

"Hm... Alright lead the way sir!"

~Blake's POV~

I nodded and lead the way. 'Wow she's even prettier up close!' I thought to myself and smiled softly.

"So how long have you lived here Blake?" She asked looking at me.

"For as long as I can remember... I grew up here with a few others like Wilson, Gray, Marcus, and Phillip."

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