Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

The groceries isle held a lot of "green "looking produce that I placed in my shopping cart. Fresh cabbages, fat beans and bright pumpkins.  

"Heh" I chuckled at the thought of the word "Pumpkin". I really like that word, rearrange it and you get "Punk imp". Plus it sounds cheery and spunky. Whomever the English gentleman that came up with the word "Pumpkin" for this orange, funny shaped fruit was, he must have been excellent at wording his thoughts. 

Since I came upon the word "orange" now, a whole new train of thought flooded my head almost instantly. Half of it was just various hues and orange colored fruits and veggies, but the most important thing was a person, a girl actually. She was someone that had invaded my thoughts and dreams from the day I first saw her. Let me tell you about her 

She was not a tall person, only reaching up to 5'3. She had a a body like an hourglass. Her skin was fair and it looked like beige snow in the sun. She had some tattoos in her arms, one of which reads "Accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative" (She was that kind of person). Her head seems to on fire because her hair is either orange or red (She changes her hair color A LOT). Her face is shaped like a strawberry and there is a gentle curve that reaches down from her cheeks to her lower jaw. Her cheeks were not bony but not also puffy either. In those cheeks are tiny, almost un-seeable freckles that added character to them. When her rosy lips widen to form a smile, sweet dimples appeared below her cheekbones making her smile more dazzling. Her nose was designed for a goddess but it looked better on her face (It was very symmetrical). Her eyes seemed to have two distinct colors in different moments. One day they would be light brown and on a different day they would be a dull emerald both of which had an unexpected beauty. Above her eyes, were her flaming bangs that used to reach down to her face covering her forehead but now were shorter and revealed her entire perfect face more. She has a voice so musical that can light anyone's day up. If I had to give her a nickname I would definitely name her "Pumpkin" She is the most breath taking person I had ever got to know of in my life, and as If on cue, (Probably one of those moments where everything falls into place in strange coincidences) a Paramore song started playing on the store speakers. 

Remember that girl I was talking about, the one with the flaming hair? Well she sings in this band. The song that just started playing on the store speakers was their latest single called "Still Into You". Just to be perfectly clear, the woman I was thinking about is Hayley Nicole Williams. By now you've probably figured out that I'm in love with her, which is kind of the reason for my heartbreak. 

Hearing that song on the speakers put me in a different kind of mood. The lyrics kept shoving thoughts of being with her to my head 

"And when our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny, you're worth it" 

I did the rest of my shopping with these thoughts and when reached the counter, I must have looked like I was in a different planet because the cashier looked so quizzical.  

"Is there something on my face?" I asked ignorantly 

"No, it's just you look really happy today" She replied 

"Do I? Well I don't know about that. I'd probably have to check a mirror to be sure." I replied back smiling. 

She returned a smile. 

"Cool" she said. I have only seen this here girl for only about a couple of weeks. She replaced the old cashier who was a grey haired old man whom I was used to seeing. She had blonde hair and was wearing the store overalls over her blue shirt. She kind of looked familiar to me, maybe she went to the same university I did. It'd be hard to tell because I see so many faces there. 

Misguided ghost (Hayley Williams fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now