chapter 1

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Delaney's pov-

I bit the little part of my tongue sticking out of my mouth and fisted some of my long, messy, light brown hair as I looked at the next question in concentration. Why does math have to be so hard? 

Summer is so close. My eyes keep flickering to the clock above my classroom door as I try to concentrate on finishing my final exam and final class of the 6th grade. I know that this summer is going to be like one of no other. I just can't wait!

I mentally squealed in excitement and wiggled in my seat as I finished my last question. Sighing in relief, I walked (skipped) over to my teachers desk and placed my final exam on the neat pile of the other finished tests. 

When I returned to my desk, I glanced over to see my friend, Maggie, staring off into space and chewing on her mechanical pencil. I've always secretly despised how perfect my friend is. Her blonde hair sits perfectly around her face while my messy light brown hair always looks like I just got back from the beach. It's always in my way and messy. Her body was of something I could only dream about having. She stands at 5'9 making my 5'0 body always feel intimidated. I looked at how her feet sat perfectly flat on the tiled floor while only the toes of my feet could reach the ground, and thats if I'm sitting up.

To be honest, my height is the only part of my body that I dislike. That, and I look way younger than I actually am.  I don't really mind, however. My brothers always make me feel beautiful and tell me that they love how young I look. I can't imagine why, but I'm guessing it's because it makes them feel like my protecters. 

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard an all too familiar voice. I looked up and saw my older brother, Dylan, speaking to my teacher at her desk. I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion as I watched them converse. What on Earth could my 18 year old, senior brother be doing in my 6th grade classroom . 

Our school is quite big and contains the grades 6th to 12th, meaning that this was my first year in this massive school. It was quite scary coming into a school with this many kids that were so much older than me but I adjusted quite quickly due to being so close with my brother every day and being quite close to their friends as well.

Dylan then smiled to my teacher and walked over to my desk. He kneeled down besides me and threw an arm over my shoulder.

"Hi Del." Dylan whispered, minding the students taking the exam. He gave me a sweet smile and rubbed my shoulder lightly.

I kindly smiled back at my big brother and gave him a little side hug.

"Hi Dyl. What are you doing here? We still have 45 minutes of this period." I questioned in confusion.

"Harry's home." Dylan whispered enthusiastically. I gasped, squealed, with sudden excitement and happiness. Harry's home! I knew he'd be home from tour this summer but I had no idea it would be this soon.

"Shhhh silly. Lets go see him. I already told your teacher that you're leaving." Dylan said in amusement. 

I looked up at my brother with a massive grin and wide green eyes and nodded my head rapidly. I quickly gathered my school belongings and wished my math teacher and Maggie a great summer before walking out of my final class of the school year with my brother. 

The two of us exited the school and reached Dylan's car, me being stuck in the back seat of course.

"Harry told me that Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn are going to be here for the summer too!" Dylan told me excitedly. I gasped and smiled bigger than ever.

"Yayay I'm so excited! Drive faster!" I begged my older brother.

Before I knew it, Dylan pulled up to our house  and I jumped out of the car before my older brother ever had the chance to turn off the car. I raced to the front door and flew into the house looking for our older brother.

As soon as I saw Harry lounging on our couch in the family room, I was quick to jump right onto him and give him the biggest hugs of my life.

"Oh my gosh! Delaney! I've missed you kiddo!" Harry exclaimed from under my hug.

"Hazza" I mumbled in to his shoulder, tearing up a little bit with happiness. 

 I loosened my grip on Harry and sat up a little. I was laughing and crying at the same time, so overwhelmed with happiness.

"Aw baby girl don't cry! I'm so happy to see you! you look great!" Harry wiped a tear off my cheek and gave me a massive kiss on my forehead before pulling me in for another hug. 

Dylan then came into the family room and dropped our backpacks onto the floor, after I left mine in his car. 

"Harry!" He exclaimed, excited to see his older brother, too.

Harry kindly removed me from his lap before giving me a massive kiss on my head and then running up to Dylan and giving him a massive hug.

I smiled at my two oldest brothers embracing each other before looking around the room.

It was then that I realized the other One Direction boys lounging around the room with massive smiles on their faces and two of them were recording the scene in front of them.

I let out a huge gasp, catching the attention of the boys. I got up and started individually hugging the other One Direction boys.

"I missed you guys so much!" I cried of happiness seeing my brother and his bandmates all together with me again. I tried to hide my tears in embarrassment behind my long hair. Suddenly, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and place me on their hip.

I looked up to see my amazing eldest brother looking down at me with a happy and a slightly sympathetic and amused smile on his face. 

"Del, dont cry bug. I missed you too, sweet pea. Now I can see you everyday." Harry lightly mumbled into my shoulder and carried me to a chair where he sat me onto his lap.

I cuddled into Harry's chest and held his ginormous hands as I watched my other brother catch up with the One Direction boys. 

The boys are used to my moods like this. Sometimes I just need to stay silent and cuddle with one of them when I'm happy and sad.

Watching the boys goof off in front of me and the feeling of my eldest brothers arms around my body lets me know that this is going to be the best summer of my life. 

Hello, Lovely's!

Ahhh first chapter of my new story! I hope you guys enjoy it so far!

The story will be more eventful as it goes on, this chapter was more of a character introduction. 

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