Chapter 20: Drama

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Ryan and I get to Coach Todd's store at 5:45, and we start our training at 6. It is about learning how to test shoes on each customer so that they get the best fit for their foot. It's easy, and we try it on a few customers that come in. After the training is over, I walk home and eat dinner, then shower and go to do my homework. As soon as I finish, I fall asleep.

The next day is a blur. I'm in a sort of daze, maybe caused by not getting enough sleep. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that we have practice after school. Once the final bell rings, I meet up with Cassidy and Mikaela and we walk down to the locker room. We change quickly, hoping to get out early so we have time to talk. Sure enough, we end up having about 10 minutes. I sit down on a bench with Ryan, and just then, Sydney comes out of the locker room. She sees us sitting together, and I see a flash of envy in her eyes. She smirks, then turns around and talks to Daniel.

Once practice starts and we do the warmup, Ryan and I are put in charge of deciding what the workout should be. We choose to do 800m repeats around the school. It's not my favorite workout, but I know it'll help me in the future, so I settle for it.

I am supposed to run in a group with Elliot, Cassidy, and Sydney. I am in charge of pacing, meaning that I should be out in front. We start our first repeat, and Sydney charges out in front of me. I shout at her to slow down, and she picks it up even more. I know she'll tire out, and sure enough, as soon as we hit the 300m mark she slows down a lot. I catch up, and as I pass her I say,

"You need to stay behind me. It's my job to pace-"

And she trips me. I go flying down the hill, and I land facedown on the pavement. The breath is knocked out of me, and I can feel my nose bleeding. I hear footsteps behind me, and I feel hands rolling me over onto my back. I open my eyes, and it's Ryan and Ben. Ben says he's going to get a coach, and Ryan helps me sit up and he pulls a tissue out of his pocket. He always has a few with him since he gets nosebleeds often. I hold it to my nose, and I see Ben returning with coach Megan. She squats down beside me.

"Are you dizzy? Can you think straight?" She holds up three fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Three," I reply, and she sighs with relief. No concussion.

"How did this happen, Ava?"

"Sydney tripped me, and I went flying down the hill," I say.

"No, Sydney wouldn't do that. She's the new girl, she's nice and sweet. Or did you, Sydney?"

Sydney turns bright red, which is enough confirmation for Megan.

"Sydney, I know you're new, but we have rules here. You can't treat your teammates like this, it will not be tolerated. Do you understand?" Sydney nods. "Now, Ryan, take Ava inside to the trainer to get cleaned up. The rest of you, go finish your workout." Ryan helps me up, and holds my shoulder to help me walk into the school.

I get cleaned up and we go back out to finish practice. When we're stretching, Ryan goes to talk to Sydney. I think he scares her into acting right. He comes back over to me.

"You won't have to worry about her for a while. I set her straight." I thank him, and we finish stretching and go inside to change. Ryan and I walk up to Todd's store together for another training, and when we were done, we called it a night.

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