Chapter 1 "arrival"

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My brothers and I are waiting in a limo to go to a house that we didn't know not even the people in the house "I wonder if they'll be cute" my older brother Laito said making me roll my eyes at him "can you for once not be a fucking perv" my younger brother Subaru said "he's right we're all tired of it especially Teddy" my older brother Kanato said "that's enough you three we are nearly there so could you please not cause any kind of trouble in the limo father was nice enough to rent for us for the trip" my second older brother Reiji said "so loud" our older brother Shuu said.

If you haven't guessed there's six of us, Shuu being the eldest, and laziest, Reiji being the second who tends to be a smartass, and annoy me, then next are my other two brothers we're triplets Laito being the oldest out of the three of us also known for being a pervert, next is Kanato also insomniac, and childish, and lastly is me Ayato I'm the best out of all of my brothers, then lastly is Subaru he is the youngest out of all of us he has a huge temper problem, as well as anger issues.

Anyway we're the Sakamaki brothers we're on our way to someone's house that our father said was a form of cousin, or family members I don't know something like that anyway, but like I said we're on our way there because he didn't want us to get into any more trouble at school, or while he went somewhere. "we're here" Reiji said after an hour passed "it's a mansion?" I asked pointing out the obvious, and in awe. "dibs on the first little bitch I see" Laito said "Laito this is not our personal home, so treat the residents of this home with respect as it is not your home" Reiji scolded him "who's first in knocking?" I asked "honestly Ayato" Reiji said as he knocked once, but there wasn't an answer so he knocked again, and the door just opened on its' own.

"so I guess we just walk in" I said "well it's fixing to pour down, and I'm not about to get sick let alone wet" Subaru said as he walked inside of the strange mansion, as well as the rest of us. Once inside we heard the door close behind us "creepy....i like it don't you Teddy?" Kanato asked talking to that stuffed animal again. We looked around, and it did have a very unsettling feeling to it like something was off, "hey there's someone on the couch" Subaru stated as we all turned around to look at the green couch that did in fact have a girl wearing an eye patch, mask covering her face, reddish purple hair, and wearing all black on it.

"is she alive?" Shuu asked "how the hell am I supposed to know, why don't you see for yourself" I said to him "him? Do something? I'd love to see that happen" Reiji said mockingly "fine I'll do something" Shuu said walking up to her, and once he put a hand to her he pulled it away "she's ice cold" Shuu said "no way" most of us said "you all feel her arm, and tell me she isn't cold" Shuu said acting like a baby, so we all did, and he wasn't lying

Role ReversalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora