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so i was sort of just thinking (as you do) about people and stuff. and i kinda realised that when you first meet someone you could be like "hey wow we are pretty similar!" considering broad interests and the like. and sure that's enough to appease some friendships/relationships but i guess i was thinking about how getting to know someone is kinda scary because the test to see if you know someone is if you can think of any little flaws. some of my friends (well all of them) i love to pieces and some i can't think of any flaws about them but some i can and that doesn't change your opinion it sort of just makes you know them more. 
so anyway, i was just thinking that once you really get to know someone, you might have thought you were pretty similar at the start but then you learn things about them, little things like if they like cheese on toast and what they think about vibrato singing, kinda makes you realise how different we all are from each other. 
and it seems like the people who were once seen as similar are the ones who are the most different of all.
i guess it is nice because to really know someone and to really love them, be it romantically or platonically, you need to know the little differences because without them you won't know what makes them, them. 
so there wasn't really a point to this (is there ever?) but all i'm really trying to get at is that i guess the little things about us make up who we are and you can't base anything lasting on a generalisation of personality because we are all so intricate and different and i just think that's really cool and important to remember. 

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