chapter 1

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It was a lovely day today for all. Buddy was in the kitchen with his daughter's pet possum with a box of chocolates between them.

"Are you sure?" Buddy asked once he picked up a chocolate.

"Yes, my incredible sense of smell tells me that's a caramel." Sledgehammer replied.

Buddy took a bite and recoiled in disgust. "Uck, cherry cordial!"

"Really?" Sledgehammer scoffed. "Maybe you should've let Cindy have a dog."

Then Cindy came in with a very large heart-shaped red card. "I need help," she told her father and pet. "I don't know what to put on Maxwell's valentine."

"What do you have so far?" Buddy asked as she came in.

"'Dear Maxwell'," Cindy read aloud, then pouted. "I don't like it."

"I can help you with this one," Sledgehammer suggested. "Put 'You rock my world'. Guys love that."

Buddy took another chocolate and spit it out instantly. "Maple Buttercream..." He threw it in the sink as Shelly came in.

"Who got chocolates?" Shelly asked.

"You did, from Dirk the Mailman." Sledgehammer told her.

"How sweet." Shelly cooed.

"Yeah, but there are hardly any caramels," Buddy held out another chocolate, then looked curious to it. "Does this look like one?"

"Only one way to find out." Cindy said as she took it and bit into it.

"Cindy!" Buddy scolded.

Cindy spit out the chocolate. "Marzipan!"

Buddy held out another one. "Okay... Now this one."

"U-Uh!" Cindy replied.

"Quit touching them, this is what my mother did when she got chocolates." Shelly took out a magic wand, then zapped the box of chocolates and made the pieces fly out of the box that had caramel in them. "There."

"That was easy." Cindy smiled.

"Yeah, but it takes the mystery out of life." Buddy pouted.

Cindy took one of the chocolates and left to get ready for school.

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