Chapter 1

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"Yeah Katelyn?" Aphmau replied, distracted.

"What the heck are you doing?" Katelyn asked.

It was a rather weird sight to watch, for Katelyn at least. Aphmau was scrambling around the house, making a huge mess wherever she went. It looked like she was looking for something very important. And this was all very weird because Aphmau was usually very organized.

"Oh don't mind me," Aphmau said looking through the kitchen drawers.

"How can I?!! You're making a huge mess!!!" Katelyn exclaimed, pointing at the upturned furniture.

"I'll fix it later," Aphmau said as she ran up the stairs to check in her room again.

"What the heck are you even looking for?!" Katelyn called out from the living room.

Aphmau didn't reply. She didn't want to tell Katelyn that she lost the keys to her diary and the diary itself. If Katelyn found out, she would laugh at her. Probably...

Aphmau opened up her bedroom door to see if she might have overlooked it in her panic, when Kawaii-chan came out of her room looking like she had just won the jackpot.

"Aphmau-senpai!" Kawaii-chan exclaimed.

"Not now Kawaii-chan," Aphmau replied thinking about where she might have left it.

"But Kawaii-chan's sooooooo happy!!!" Kawaii-chan cheered as she did a little dance.


"Because Aphmau-senpai kissed Aaron-kun!" Kawaii-chan hugged Aphmau, excitedly thinking that her ship had finally sailed.

"W-W-WHAT?!!" Aphmau stuttered, "That isn't true!"

"Well, the purple notebook with Aphmau-senpai's name on it says otherwise,"

"YOU READ MY DIARY?!!" Aphmau screeched, her face as red as a tomato.

"Is that what its called?" Kawaii-chan inquired curiously,"Kawaii-chan also read some other stuff about Zane-kun, Laurence-kun, and Garroth-kun too, that Aphmau-senpai has feelings for them. As much as Kawaii-chan doesn't like the thought of her ship sinking, Kawaii-chan can let it slide because she's just so happy that Aphmau-senpai kissed Aaron-kun and might even return his feelings for her!"

"Kawaii-chan, my diary is supposed to be private!" Aphmau scolded, scowling at her pink haired friend. "You're not supposed to read it."

"Kawaii-chan is really really sorry..." She replied looking genuinely sad but grinned like a Cheshire cat after a few measly seconds,"But back to more important matters, is Aphmau-senpai dating Aaron-kun?"

Aphmau slammed the door on Kawaii-chan's face. Rude,yes... But she was just really really furious at her right now. But she was actually kind of relieved that Kawaii-chan had not noticed one very tiny detail. Who she actually really liked... She might have skipped it or might have not thought much of it, Aphmau thought.

Aaron was not the person she liked. She liked someone else and he was the most adorkable person in the world to her. The guy she loved with all her heart.

She blushed as she thought about her crush. Although everyone thought she and Aaron looked like a great couple and that she liked Aaron in that way, they were actually wrong. Sure, she thought Aaron looked handsome and that he was a good friend but he just was not her type. She found that out when they decided to go on a date once. After that incident they decided to just stay good friends.

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