Chapter 4- Difficult Times

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I can't thank you guys enough for all your support on this book ❤️ I didn't think that so many people would like this book 😂❤️ On to the story!

Briar's pov
My mum just drove me, Abbey, Jessy, Brooklyn and Jenn to dance. Yeah, we have a big car. However, I'm not looking forward to today. I will do anything to get out of doing this trio. Anything. But, if I don't perform it, I fail the trio and so do Myles and Abi so I'd be letting the team down if I don't do it. I guess I'll just have to grin and bare it.

As we walk into studio A I see Myles and Abi rehearsing the trio. They keep smiling at each other and it just makes me cringe. How are they practicing it without me anyway? It isn't a duet. 

I walk over to them.
"Oh hey Briar." Myles says.
"Hi." I say as I throw my bag onto the bench.
"Should we just go over to the routine?" He asks.
"Sure." I say.
"Ok from the top." Abi says.

Once we finish rehearsing, Alain walks in.
"Alright everyone let's see those trios!" Alain says.
"Let's have Abbey, Devon and Brooklyn up first!"

The three of them take the floor. They start dancing and their routine is so energetic and has loads of acro, it's amazing! It has all their techniques and you can see that Devon and Abbey have loads of chemistry. It's really cute.

Once they finish, Allain says
"Next up we'll have Myles, Briar and Abi."
I bite my bottom lip and walk on to the floor. Alain turns the music on and we start dancing. I wish I said something when it came to thinking about the story line. I could've prevented this from happening. This dance is so hard for me to do, emotionally.

Once we finish, the last trio takes the floor- Jessy, Jenn and Tanner. Their trio was great. Jessy did a lot of ballet and Tanner lifted Jenn really high at one point!

When they finish, Alain tells us to gather around into a circle.
"So there is something I didn't mention at first." Alain says.
"What?" Abbey asks.
"Well the best trio will enter in a large competition! I have chosen Abi, Briar and Myles' trio!" Alain says.

Everyone claps but I just stand there with my mouth wide open.
"You have two weeks to prepare!" Alain says.
I can't believe it. I have to perform this in front of loads of people. I don't think I can do this. I grab my bag and run out of the studio.
"Briar? Where are you going?" Alain shouts after me.

Myles' pov
Briar just ran out of the studio for absolutely no reason. I mean we get to perform our trio in front of loads of people. This is great! I don't get why she doesn't want to. She's been acting really weird lately though. I hope there's nothing wrong.

I look over to her friends who are all mouthing "go after her". I nod and run out of studio A to find Briar. I turn a corner and see her sitting on the floor, her back against the wall, her knees are against her chest and she's crying.

"Hey Briar." I say softly and sit next to her.
"U-um h-hi." She stutters.
"What's wrong?" I ask and rub her back.
"Nothing." She says.
"Well obviously something is wrong or you wouldn't be crying." I say.
"I don't want to do the trio." She says.
"Why not?" I ask.
"I don't want to talk about it." She says.
"Briar please." I say.
I hate seeing people cry.
"I said I don't want to talk about it." She says and leaves.

What is going on with her? Why doesn't she want to do the trio? I don't see the problem. Suddenly Jessy, Abbey, Brooklyn and Jenn run in.
"Where's Briar?" Abbey asks.
"She left." I say.
"Why?" Jessy asks.
"I asked her why she was upset and she said that she didn't want to do the trio. I asked her why she didn't want to but she said that she didn't want to talk about it. It was weird." I say.
"Seriously?! It's because she-" Jessy gets interrupted by Abbey who elbows her in the side.
"Because she what Jessy?" I ask.
"Figure it out yourself." She says and the four girls leave.

What does she mean 'figure it out yourself'? I don't get what I've done wrong. And why didn't Briar want to talk about why she didn't want to do the trio? Girls are weird.

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