The Sharing

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Hermione sat in silence, in that God forsaken prison, the eerie silence, the darkness consuming her soul with each passing minute. Hermione never once in her life would've accepted the idea of conversing with an haughty, egoistic ferret like Draco Malfoy, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Being locked up in the prison that long, without having anyone to talk to had made Hermione want to talk to someone, even if it was Malfoy.

Hermione knew Draco would talk to her once he realized how depressing this place was, and Alas, he did. Although she did know that neither her or Malfoy wanted to talk to each other, but since they only had one another they had to put their differences aside.

'He cannot even thank me, for not letting him starve. If it wasn't for me, he would've never figured out the food was magical. That arrogant ferret.' Thought Hermione as she rolled her eyes.

After they spent the entire day in silence, Draco finally spoke. "It's crazy, huh?"

"What's that?" Said Hermione.

"How things change. You, me, here, talking." Sneered Draco.

"Desperate measures." Sighed Hermione.

"Or just bad luck." said Draco. "The world, it's a mess."

"For you too? I thought death eaters liked the world like this." Snorted Hermione. "Muggles being hunted, Wizards being killed, children turning into orphans."

Feeling impatient, to Hermione's surprise Draco didn't reply. Maybe he didn't have the answer, how could he even possibly justify Voldemort's doings? After what felt like hours, Hermione decided to change the topic.

"5 years ago, we were all preparing for our final year at Hogwarts, how times change." Sighed Hermione, feeling miserable just thinking about it.

"You must be really sad that you never got to finish your final year." said Draco. "Not that it mattered." He added.

"Not that it mattered? You're not serious, are you? It mattered, at least to me it did." retorted Hermione in disbelief, gaping towards his cell, not that he could see but she couldn't help it after hearing his answer. "It was my dream to finish Hogwarts, as the best student there ever was."

"Why do you need a school label for that? Aren't you confident about your magic?" Snorted Draco.

Hermione was becoming irritated by his thinking. She tightened her jaw, breathed out, and at once rushed her words. "It's not that, and you know it. It could've opened more opportunities for muggle students, knowing that Muggles were capable of being good wizards just like purebloods or half bloods."

"C'mon, Granger, it's just a school. What could you graduating change anything for the muggle borns?" Snorted Draco.

Hermione took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose, keeping herself from shouting at him but she couldn't help but retort back. "To you, maybe. To me it was my second home, the place where I found out who I was, who I am. Besides, Hogwarts is a well known school, students that have studied there have made great impact on the wizarding world. It ... can ... change things. I will never know why you people envy us so much, why cant you just see someone other than a pureblood with magic. It makes no sense, you people have turned the world into a miserable place. Violence is never the answer. What would it feel like if it were your parents who were being hunted, Malfoy? Or your friends? Don't you see. Ugh! just ... just don't talk to me." Hermione later realized she might have overreacted.

"Fine! I agree." Sighed Draco.

"Really? Hard to believe that you agree with me. But still that won't change anything. You'll still consider us Mudbloods. Never mind, Malfoy." Hermione said with a sad laugh, shaking her head. "Do you even miss Hogwarts, Malfoy? You must be happy to be out of there."

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