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So I kinda like him a lot and I hang out with him a lot. Yeah that's true me the negative girl that doesn't believe in love fell in love. Anyway I passed most of my time with him getting to know him better and to see if he falls in love with me. One day I ask him if
He likes Cora and he said yes that she is the only girl that he will for ever love. So that got me depressed because I like him a lot.

One day I was walking with him...

"Hey, um... Frances"

"What's going on James?"

At that moment I was excited because I thought he was going to say that he had feelings for me.

"I really need to tell you something important"

"Yeah you can tell me anything"

"Well I need your help... I want you to help me with Cora. I want her to be my girlfriend"

My heart shattered in pieces but I didn't say no because I liked him to much to just say no.

"I'm sure I can help you with Cora. I mean after all your like my best friend and she is my best friend I want you to be happy"

With my broken heart and about to cry I went walking to Cora when my friend Erica Stopped me.

"Frances are you ok?" Asked Erica looking at me worried

"I'm ok Erica, don't worry about me. You know my crush James?"

"Yeah what about him"

"He loves Cora and wants me to help him with that and I'm heart broken like... You know how much I like him"

"Honey I'm sorry. Why are guys like this all the time don't worry you'll be ok"

Erica hugged me and smiled at me. She let's go and I walk over to Cora that is sitting down at our parking spot. I look at her sad and do a fake smile.

"Cora can we talk?"

"Why I don't know Frances I just saw you with James and I think I know where this is going"

"Look he likes you a lot and he wants to be with you ok just give him a chance"

"No I won't give him a chance what he did was wrong!!"

At that moment I didn't want to talk to anyone because I knew she was not going to give him a chance ever. So what I did was I left and went with James and told him she wasn't gonna give him a chance. I looked at him and walked away because I was sad he still liked her and well that day I couldn't believe what had happen and that he didn't realize I liked him and that I wanted to be with him

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