Two bestfriends

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Once upon a dream there lived three princesses------haha who am I kidding hi I'm Hannah and this is my story diary. On September 1st,2013 I met this super nice girl named Alyssa I didn't know her last name because we just met but anyway we talked and talked everyday, since we were in the same class for 3 years now! Now I know her last name Keller hmm I like that name Alyssa Keller soon enough we both figured out that we had the same middle name "rose", Hannah rose macri and Alyssa rose Keller we knew that we needed to be besties.. so we became bestfriends forever!! I loved Alyssa it was like we were sisters we went over each others houses everyday are parents are like homies now. One day me and Alyssa went to a concert a Justin bieber concert! And when we got there we were in section 12 row 15 on the floor we got to see Justin closer than we thought... After 2 hours of jamming the concert was over in 5 minutes. So we left before those 5 minutes were up so we didn't get stuck in traffic.. On are way to the enclosed gated parking alley I said "I have to got to the bathroom I'll meet up with you at the car ill be fast." "okay take as long as you want it's not like we have any plans haha" Alyssa said. So I went into the disgusting portipottie, when I was done I just noticed that I didn't lock the door so anyone could of walked in and seen me. I walked out and swung open the portipottie door and I heard someone scream ouchhh I looked behind the Door and saw a boy about 17 years of age on the ground grunting and holding his head. I shouted "are you okay? I'm soo sorry." He said "yeah I'm fine no need to worry." " "okay good! how bout we go get some ice from a snow cone cart to put on that huge knot on your head?" I said "no I'm okay it's not that big of a deal" the boy said "hey thanks for asking me though what's your name?" "Oh I'm Hannah yours?" I said excitingly "Mario" he said with a smile. I was wondering in my head while there was dead silence between us "should I invite him over for dinner I feel really bad"! And he said "soo..." "Oh right well I was wondering would you like to..." "Yes! I would love to come over" he said with out me finishing my sentence " oh wow it's like you read minds or something that's exactly what I was gonna ask!" I said with excitement so do you wanna drive to my house at 4:30ish" I asked concerning if he had plans or not. " actually I don't have a car." He said sadly "oh then me and my friend Alyssa can drive you" okay? He said "sure that would be great!" We started walking to the car Mario asked me "so about your friend is she nice ?" He asked. I responded with a huge laugh "Alyssa she's like my little sweetheart of course she's nice" "Alyssa!! What's her last name I might know her?!" "Alyssa Keller" I said back to him " Keller? Oh I don't know her..." He said with a scared look on his face.. And then out of nowhere he said "oh my mom texted she wants me home" than he ran off not knowing he dropped his phone I picked his damaged iPhone up and saw that nobody texted him i was questioning myself "why would he lie to me did I do something or say something wrong?"

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