Open mind

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This guy keeps drifting in and out during the cab ride.

I periodically glance at his face–which is no longer handsome now–whenever it feels like he's being too quiet. I grab a hold of his arm trying to check his temperature. I'm doing this to also let him know that I'm right here with him and that I'm not leaving him.

He's burning up so terribly that I can't help but tell him this. "Let's just go see a doctor." But of course, no matter how much I semi-force him, beg him, plead with him, or threaten him, he insists on telling me what he told me 15 minutes ago. "It's okay, I'll be fine after I get some rest." Do I look like a fucking nurse to you? T_____T

I keep shaking my leg impatiently inside the taxi while telling the driver which turn to take. Soon enough, the blue taxi parks in front of my house.

"Not as fancy as your place, hope you can sleep here." I tell him sarcastically. But what I get return is faint laughter. He doesn't have enough strength to insult me back, I know that much. Haha.

I run into Ma and Pa in the living room when I carried Phun inside. What should I tell them?! Their son brought a guy home. Ma and Pa can't possibly think the same ways as the people at Phumipat Resident do, can they? Hahaha...

"Hi, Pa! Ma!" I'm being a good kid even though I'm dying to rush to my bedroom. (I'm scared that Phun might die on me.) But I had to pay proper respects to my parents for the safety of my assets (as in my allowance).

"Did you have dinner yet, Noh? Eh? What's wrong with your friend?" Ma is the first one to notice something is wrong. But she asks so loudly that Pa turns around and look too. "Who's that you're carrying?"

"He–hello." Phun pitifully greets them. He's so sickly yet he bothers being so polite, honestly. I think this to myself as I see him weakly raising his hands to pay respects.

"This is my friend. He's too sick to get home. Can he spend the night?"

"Quick, take him upstairs so he can lie down, I'll bring some medicines." Isn't my ma so adorable? Actually, everyone in this house is very kind. Otherwise, Om, Keng and the rest of the guys wouldn't visit so often.

Once I get the green light, I hastily carry Phun upstairs and head to my bedroom.


"Sleep here. Sorry the bed isn't as big as yours." I help Phun get on the bed with much difficulty. He looks a lot more comfortable now that there is a mattress supporting his back.

He mutters his thanks softly but I'm not really paying any attention. I'm too busy checking the A/C so that it'd help with Phun's current body temperature. I constantly keep an eye out on him so that the room doesn't get too cold.

Due to his high fever, he is clawing for my comforter as if it is a priceless treasure. Sigh. He really should have taken a better care of himself.

Knock knock.

"Come in."

"I brought the medicine for your friend. He has a fever, am I right?" I smile wide when I see the bottle of water and the medicine bottle. "That's right. I'll have him go thank you once he wakes up."

"That's alright. So who is this? I've never met him before. Did you let his family know yet?" My ma usually only see that bastard Om, that asshole Keng, and the rest of the losers. Someone with a good reputation like Phun has never been to this house. I do feel sorry for her.

"He's a friend from school, Ma. His name is Phun. He's sick so I carried him here. I was about to call his family to let them know." I answer her while looking at the person on the bed who is sleeping soundly. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

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