Chapter 1:Chatroom Begins

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FutureAoi Created the Chatroom
FutureAoi invited DreamIchigo,AgehaRan,ThunderKii,

DreamIchigo:Yay Aoi you set up the group
FutureAoi named the group Idol Chat
LoveUOtome:It's a LoveU name♡
DreamIchigo:Yeah it is
AgehaRan:You guys better not stay up all night on chat
DreamIchigo:Aww I wanted to have a chat Sleepover
LoveUOtome:Same Ichigo-Tan
AgehaRan:Not gonna happen
DreamIchigo:I'm gonna invite Thomas
LoveUOtome:Orca-Tan Love you
GardenMaria:I would love to meet a Orca
AgehaRan:exactly how are you going to add a Orca in chat
DreamIchigo invited Thomas
GuitarSera:A Orca ???
AgehaRan:How the heck is this even possible
Thomas:I have my ways
FutureAoi:This is something special
AgehaRan:More importantly how the **** did the Orca talk
LoveUOtome:Talking Orca-Tan Love u
AgehaRan:Aoi can we go into private chat
FutureAoi:Uhh sure
*In private chat*
FutureAoi:What's up
AgehaRan:How is a Orca talking???
FutureAoi:IDK let's ask Ichigo
FutureAoi added DreamIchigo to Private Chat
DreamIchigo:What's up Aoi,Ran
AgehaRan:How is Thomas Talking
DreamIchigo:With magic
FutureAoi:Tell the Truth
DreamIchigo:No Idea but it's fun
*Left private chat*
Thomas:Otome ur gonna get fat by eating 3 gallons of popcorn
LoveUOtome:WHAAAA Thomas-tan lies
ThunderKii:It's true thou
VampireYurika:Thomas is right about that one
FutureAoi: Do I want to know
LoveUOtome has logged out
Thomas,Kill,and Yurika-tan are big meanies

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