Chapter 5

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Hi so I've noticed there has been nothing about school so I'll do more about it
DreamIchigo:School Trip,School Trip,School Trip =D =D =D
FutureAoi:I know you're excited
DreamIchigo:But we are going to okinawa for a school trip and concert
WeatherAkari:Packing with Sumrie-chan and Hinaka-chan right now
AgehaRan:Rember we have work
FutureAoi:Camera on Stand-Bye for trip
AgehaRan:Why am I not suprised
WeatherAkari:Dijobu Shibiki-Senpai??
AgehaRan:I'm alright
LoveUOtome:I've got the secret Thing Ichigo-Tan♡
AgehaRan:What is it
DreamIchigo:It's a Secret
WeatherAkari:Ik don't worry Hoshimiya-Senpai I won't tell

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