Chapter 2- New Friends

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Trust me when I say, Feferi wasn't having any fun at the moment. She watches as her big sister was trying to get with this girl named Areana, she didn't want to be here anymore, not around them at least. Feferi stops walking when she heard laughing, she looks over by a park seeing two girls hanging out by a tree. The young girl looks at her sister then the two girls, quickly she runs off to the tree to check it out. As she gets closer, she gets a better look at the two. One had short red hair, and wore red pointed shades. She was wearing a black T-shirt with a dragon on it, while wearing blue jeans she had tannish skin with freckles on the bridge of her nose. The other also had short , brown hair and wore a hat that looked like a cat face. She wore a olive green jacket with a white shirt, she wore a green skirt with boots, her eyes were olive green. Feferi listens to the two. "The mighty dragon holds out her arms and waits for the lioness to jump into them." The girl with the shades cackle reaching her arms out. The one wearing the cat hat giggles and readies herself, "The lioness wiggles her hips ready to jump and bounce down on the might dragon!" She hops down and the other girl catches her and they both laugh and fall to the ground. Feferi walks over to them and giggles, "You two are so cute!" The cat hat one looks up and gets up fixing her skirt. "Ahem, thank you very much. My name is Nepeta Leijon, the Lioness." The Ginger sits up and cackles again, "I'm Terezi Pyrope." Feferi smiles at them liking them already, "Feferi Peixes." Terezi however when looking at her was facing a different way. "You're new here, nice to meet you." Nepeta turns her to actually face Feferi. "Oh. My bad." She grins. This made the new girl confused, then hears another female voice followed by a males voice. "Why are you so worried Equius? Jesus you sweaty ogre, shes right over here!" Feferi looks over at two more people. The girl walking had long blonde hair with a blue streak in the front of her bangs that did a swoop, she wore glasses as well. Her skin was white she wore a blue jacket with a black shirt with black jeans, and had sneakers. The guy was really huge, and buff looking but not grossly muscled. His skin was dark and his hair was sorta long it was past his shoulders, he wore a black tank top and shorts,  he had sneakers as well. Looking at his face he wore black glasses that had cracks in them. Nepeta smiles wide and runs tackling down the guy. She was 5'4 the other 6'3. "Equius!!" She says in a small cute voice. The man pats her and smiles small. "I was scared when I couldn't find you Nepeta." She giggles, "You always worry!" While those two bicker and chat. Feferi got nervous seeing the blonde walk over, "Terezi, why are you hanging out the new girl? She looks like a loser." She crossed her arms and flipped her hair. Terezi gives a huff then grins, she sniffs the air and goes to Vriska. "I don't know Vriska, I hung out with you, plus Feferi seems cool." Vriska rolls her eyes, "Why does it is even matter? You're blind anyways, so you wouldn't even know what she looks like." Terezi snickers and grabs Feferi's hand. "This is your hand right new girl?" Feferi was shocked for a moment, wait this girl was blind!? She didn't act like it..not wanting to be rude she spoke. "Yeah, this is m- hey what are you doing!?" She takes her hand away quickly and wipes the sliava off on her skirt. Terezi and Vriska both started laughing, and the Ginger starts calming down. "That's how I tell what kind of person you are just by licking." She smirks. "You taste like strawberries and whip cream. Hehe." "Terezi stop being creepy, god it's a wonder why I even date you sometimes." Terezi feels around and grabs Vriska's hand. "Cause our exs are homosexuals, and then they turned us to that way." Vriska chuckles and kisses her forehead. "Seems like everyone in this town is either gay or bisexual." Feferi starts to squeal loving how cute they were being and bounces around. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You two are cuties!" The other two blush lightly, Vriska puts an arm around Terezi and pulls her close. "Anyways Feferi right? You have any siblings?" The dark skinned girl nods. "My older sister Meenah!" She grins which Vriska didn't seem too impressed. "That other new chick is your sister? You two seem nothing alike. Then again Arenea is a bit of a boring sister, then there's me." She flips her long thick blonde hair. "Perfect." Terezi rolls her eyes and elbows Vriska in the ribs then snickers. "If you are  perfect then I must be a dragon." Vriska glares, "You're always comparing yourself to things that aren't real." "Then you must not be perfect." "I hate you." "Love you too~ >:]"

Soon Feferi had moved on from the group, she noticed they were a bit distracted at the moment. So heading off she seemed to stop by the edge of the woods, curious to find that girl again. Or at least that's what she assumed she saw. Stepping into the woods, she noticed how much darker it was, only because of the huge trees that shaded off the sun. Feferi kept walking, she would step over tree roots and see cute fuzzy creatures running around. "Wonder why those boys got scared when I asked about this place?" After about 10 minutes the girl finally gets to the heart of the forest. There she noticed the center was a huge medow and her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! This place is beautiful!" She looks up and sees no trees and it was all sun and clouds bringing out the colorful flowers. However, she paused, Feferi had noticed something sticking out of some vines and flowers. Slowly making her way over she kneeles down and starts removing them. Feferi covers her mouth and gasps lightly noticing it was a gravestone. She read what it said. 'Aradia Medigo. February 12 1999- March 16, 2014' Feferi then started to think, was that the girl she saw? No, ghosts can't be real right? Its impossible. The girl let's out a scream when feeling a hand on her shoulder, turning around quickly she looks up seeing a tall girl standing there. She looked older, her hair was in a bun with two fancy sticks in it, two strands of hair on either side of her face, she wore rusty red make up. Her skin was tannish and eyes rust colored, she wore a short skirt and a short sleeved jacket that was red, or looked that way. She spoke with a Japanese accent. "New girl, I see you found my sister." Feferi stares at the gravestone and then the older teen. "Y-Your sister..?" The girl nods. "Hai, my sister Aradia. My name is Damara." She put a hand on her hip and Feferi noticed she was smoking a cigarette. "She was murdered." Feferi looked scared. "By that stupid bitch Vriska Serket. No one believes it was really her, tch. But, I know she did. Her little girlfriend? She blinded her too, and you know that Latino boy Tavros? Crippled him, he has fake legs now. Vriska was a mistake from the moment she was born. Arenea can barely stand her." Feferi didn't want to believe this. "Aradia would be sixteen now if she had not died long ago." She drops the bud and steps on it. "However, recently people have seen her ghost wondering. Many ignore others fear her." Feferi seemed confused, and tilts her head. Before anything else could be asked Damara turns and walks away, her skirt sways as she walked clearly not wanting to talk about this anymore. Feferi hops up and follows and gets to the others side. "Hey wait, I want to talk with you more!" The woman looks down at her and stares. "Okay. But, I am not good with conversation." Soon the two were out of the forest talking  and the thoughts of the ghost girl faded from their minds, but not completely gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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