Hate this!!

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Who else is sick and tired if being treated badly?? I am. I hate how we get treated like crap!? We as in LGBT community. We shouldn't have to deal with all the hate in our lives and sometimes hate ourselves because people tell us how wrong it is. We feel like we made a bad chose so sometimes we say we're straight.

Honestly. I have many reasons why I'm not out. The fact that I'll be hated on, made fun of, be called gay (not true), be told that I'm going to hell, be threatened. A lot more than that. But you know what? I wanna make a stand and tell them to shut the fuck up and live their life and let me live mine. I wanna take a stand and make us have an assembly so we can say that we wanted to be treated with respect, and not go home and wanna die because people are always bullying us. It's our lives not theirs. If they don't like it they can just shut the fuck up because I'm tired if this shit.

And also the fact that some people are dying over this. Some commit suicide because if this. Do people try to stop it from happening? Hell no they don't. Should they? Fuck yes they should. Will they though? Probably the fuck not. Why? Because we're it like them. I don't wanna just stand by and let this happen! Who's with me?? Who wants to try and stop this from happening?
A/N: Sorry for my foul language. Also this isn't a problem. But it's something I hate so much.

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