Misha x reader

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/A/N/ again Pandora has given me inspiration and a cheesy plot line:). So this is gonna be a shorter one because to be honest the last update was WAY longer than anticipated. So enjoy.
"And action!" The director called.
"Why?" Misha asked getting into character his low voice gave you chills.
"I had too." You say full of emotion. Anticipating the kissing scene.
"We always have choices, Grace." He says.
"I know," You look away as blocked. He puts his fingers against your chin making you look up.
"It's not your fault." He says lowly, his voice sending shivers up and down your spine. He leans in and brushes his lips against yours. Your head screaming so many things, taking in his scent you completely forgot your line.
"Oops, I'm so tired sorry guys!!" You say embarrassed.
"Nah it's cool I'm pretty tired myself." He says, "wanna hang out with me and j2 later?"
"Sure." You reply you had been on supernatural since season 2 and you had been friends with j2 for what seemed like forever. When Misha came to set you started to develop a crush on the actor but kept it hidden and denied it as much as you could because at the time he was married. But now that he was divorced..... No you refused to think that way to take advantage was just wrong. So here you were fixing to make out on camera with your best friend that you've had a crush on since he walked on set. You were already a blushing mess and you went back to the make up trailer to get your makeup fixed and get a special pep talk from j2 and possibly an energy drink.
"(Y/N) you got this come one its just 30 seconds of pure emotion and your done, simple as that." Jensen says.
"Easy for you to say you haven't had to kiss your crush and say an important line." You counter.
"Eh true." Jared says chuckling.
"Wow your a real help!" My makeup artist says full of sass per usual.
"Y'all are no help." She says, "Listen honey, you got to pretend it's not him while you say your lines then when it's snogging time you clear your head and move your emotions through your mouth."
"That's some sound advice." Mark replies from the far end of the trailer.
"Thanks Michele, thanks Shep." You say and get up ready to finish the scene and hang out.
Back at set Misha seemed pumped and Jensen and Jared were huddled around him much like they were with you.
"Let's go straight into the kiss." The director calls "Quiet on set, And Action!"
"It's not your fault." His husky low voice calls again, his lips ghost yours again, and again your knees turn to jello. 'I got this' you kept repeating in your head.
"Castiel," you purposely moaned, "I , I love you." You barely get the words out befor his lips hit yours with force you've never known. You matched his emotion, pure passion flowing from and to you. Time stopped if only for 30 seconds as if there were only two people in the whole universe. "Hey, Misha don't eat her face off!" Jared cried.
"Get some mish!!" Jensen shouted.
"Cut, That's a rap for today guys call times at 3:00pm tomorrow get some rest." The director says over the crew and remaining casts cat calls and whistles. Your face was so red you could feel the heat on your cheeks. You looked at Misha and he was the same shade of red.
"So what time are we hanging out?" You asked playfully punching his arm in an attempt to clear the awkward air.
"Um just whenever your ready were gonna be at Jared's trailer." He replied and cracked a smile. We walked to the costume trailer to change then to the makeup trailer to get our makeup off. Then you walked to your trailer to put on some plaid pajama bottoms and a supernatural tee shirt that had a picture of Castiel on the front. You then met Misha at Jensen's trailer and all three of you walked to Jared's trailer.
"What we doin?" You ask letting all grammar laws go.
"Sleeping at some point hopefully." Jensen replied.
"Yeah I have enough room for all of y'all" Jared said.
"How about we watch a movie and head to bed after?" You ask.
"Sure you can pick it too (y/n) since you just had your first kissing scene on tv!" Jared added.
"Wait, wait, wait," Misha says, "That was your first kissing scene?"
"Yep." You reply.
"Well I couldn't tell, great job." He complimented and gave you a bro fist.
After watching The Avengers you fell asleep on the couch, on top of Misha who was absentmindedly playing with your (hair color) hair. The one thought you and Misha shared before drifting off was 'I won't say it out loud but I think I'm in love'
/A/N/ yeah I know, I hope you like it I'm really tired but I don't want to sleep idk I'm weird anyway read, comment, and enjoy. Byessssssss

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