1st ― Character Bios

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A/N : This first chapter is the character information. You don't need to read it, but I'm pretty sure it would be pretty helpful if you did. Now, carry on (:

Paris Daughter of Hanna Marin and Caleb Rivers, 16 years of age. Was named after Hanna's love of fashion, Paris being the first name come to mind when she thought of fashion. Popular, bitchy, sarcastic, and dumb, just like her mother in high school. She is best friends with Amanda and currently attends Rosewood High.

Marina― Adopted daughter of Emily Fields and Allison Dilaurentis, 16 years of age. Sister to Amanda. Was named after Emily's love of water and swimming. Sweet, forgiving, sympathetic, loyal, loveable. She takes after Emily with her personality. Marina isn't popular, really at all. Currently attends Rosewood High.

Amanda Adopted daughter of Emily Fields and Allison Dilaurentis, 16 years of age. Sister to Marina. Was named after Allison's love of love. Dramatic, social, known to be rude but nice to her friends. Amanda is very popular and is best friends with Paris. Currently attends Rosewood High.

Maia Daughter of Aria Montgomery and Ezra Fitzgerald, 16 years of age. Was named Maia because her parents thought it was an adorable name. Caring, sensitive, shy, and usually goes along with the group. Currently attends Rosewood High.

Alexa, goes by Alex Daughter of Spencer Hastings and Toby Cavanaugh, 16 years of age. Was named Alexa so both her and her mother would have somewhat boyish names. Smart, daring, outgoing, and loud. Currently attends Rosewood High.

They all lived normally and happily, but in the beginning of their school year, they were greeted by -A.

A/N : I'm pretty sure none of you reads Author's Notes but I'm just gonna write one anyway. So tyvm for choosing to read this story !! I promise it won't waste your time, I'm planning on making it vv exciting and thrilling, so be prepared. I'm posting the actual chapter soon, so for now goodbye and thank you again for reading!

Kisses, -L

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