Darling, I love you.

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I love you because your light shines even in your darkest hours, because your pain screams volumes, because your soul is still authentic, and unworldly, because you still know what it means to see the beauty in even the ugliest aspects of life. You are the epitome of spiritual metamorphosis, and I watched you go through the scariest transformation that some would never even speak of. I love you because you were strong enough to love outside of possession. You were the one who gave everything, and expected nothing in return, and taught that true, agape love is something that can never destroy you. You are walking, living, breathing proof that love can heal the deepest wounds, and even the most indescribable damage a young soul can endure. You are the reason that there is a such thing as loving something as twisted and damaged as a human being, because all you do is constantly relay the message of there being perfection in the deep dark abyss of an empty heart, and a colorless mind. You show the truth within love. That it is not instant, but planted. That it is not something that simply waxes and wanes like a temperamental moon, but that it is something that builds, expands, and grows like an idea reflecting a lifelong dream or aspiration. You show that love is not just a feeling, or even an action, or even something you vow during a romantic ceremony or declaration. You prove that love is a journey connecting the heart, mind, soul, and spirit in God's image. You show that love is a process, a challenge, with its own trials, tribulations, and testimonies. You show that it is not a war, though it will make you strong enough to withstand a billion of them. You show that love is not selfish, possessive, or obsessive, but that it is acceptance, appreciation, and patience, and something that can surpass the test of time and space, but most of all, you show that love is a sacrifice, the sacrifice of one's self for the beating heart that plays melodies in their mind the morning after, and through this sacrifice, comes forgiveness, and thus, the transformation. I love you because you are the universal truth of love itself.

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