The 13 questions (not a drawing)

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Soo basically I have no other place to accept the 13-questions game so here we are. I was asked (or challened?) by nina_ricci to answer all these 13 questions within a week, and since I actually have nothing else to do in life lol , I am answering them.

1- What was your funniest moment in life?

Oh well.. A lot actually .. Hmm let me see, I was in this escape room thing and the guy with the horrifyingly creepy mask looked at me through the window of the door. I didn't scream, I didn't cry, nooo I did fall to the ground and hold my legs tight without a word lol! Yeahh probably the guy laughed cause he did point it out to me and fell into laughter :"D

2-How much money do you hope to make in life?

A MILLION DOLLARS! Funny cause if you turn them into Egyptian pounds it will be 8 million dollars. Hmm interesting. No really I just hope the money I earn is Halal ( which is in a good way that God would approve of)

3-Do you think that fish gets thirsty?

Nope. It's in the water, breathing from its gills , so if it wants water it will probably open up its mouth *hairflip*

4-If you could rewind time, what would you change?

A lot of things! Mainly from 2 years ago to be honest. A person do take absurd life choices :"D I would've changed all these 2 years completely.

5-Any special wishes for me?

I wish all of your wishes come true *like a boss* I wish you get your job , the one you hope for, and to find your perfect husband *still can't accept the fact that I am younger than you :p*

6-How many friends do you have?

Good question.. Yeah good one, and awkward too :"D Lotssss and lotsss of friendss *note the s* tbh I do count many as friends or acquaintances , but the very close ones are limited. Lets not say a number , uk it leads to argues :')

7-Do you like experimenting with new things?

Though I become hesitant, yes I do like it very much! Like the escape room as I mentioned earlier, I am normally afraid of my own shadow :")

8-Worst gift you have ever got?

Coffee cups .. What the hell would I do with coffee cups , 6 of them... I am not married :")

9-Describe yourself in only 5 words.

Amazingly, indescribably and awesomely cute. Lol . no maybe: Shy , cute , smart and loving :3 *that if and counts as a word*

10-What would you change about your personality and looks?

Absolutely nothing. *'who says' plays in the bg, lol*

11-Who has influenced the most in your life?

The person intended knows her/himself.

12-What is the destination to be the trip of your dreams?

An island! Where there's sea and tropical forests and bonfires at night :3

13-Best advice someone has ever given to you?

Be yourself.

Phewwww now I am done, and according to the rules of the game, I will tag 13 people :

NadineWalid5 , wahajdawood , FarahHesham0 , Loly_Funnibal , mariam213 , mariamdandarawy , MeroElSemary , nesma_2014 , QuotableMistakes , RawanFouad2 , ShadenAmr1 , sarahshahzeen , Rosaaa55555
To answer these questions

1) Ever hated someone?

2) If you have the chance to change your name, what would it be?

3) Best invention so far? Lol

4) What's your favourite pet? Do you have any?

5) Who is your role model?

6) Any talents?

7) Which country do you wish to visit?

8) Doors to happiness, money and fame. Which would you choose?

9) which genre do you prefer most in books?

10) Would you rather be normal or have really hideous wings but could fly?

11) Orange juice and lemon juice, which would you choose?

12) What do people call you at school, any nicknames?

13) Share your happiest moment!

Baam! Now answer them within a week guys. Happy Valentine's day everyone :3 ❤❤

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