The escape || Chapter 11

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Weeks had passed. Francis kept sending soldiers to England, but with no result. In these weeks, Francis also hadn't received any letters. He was thinking about annulling their marriage, so that she could be free. Catherine told him many times that it wasn't an option. If he did that, she would be a ruined queen. The Scottish protestants would take advantage and reach for the crown. Then they would most likely kill Mary, and that wasn't a solution to the problem either. Francis didn't know what to do anymore. Francis hadn't slept for weeks. He kept thinking about Mary and her suffering.

Mary was still locked up. She was very lean and couldn't move most of her body. She was wondering why they hadn't killed her yet. They had tried to force her to make love to them a couple of times, but she wasn't pregnant yet. They tried it almost every day, but it never worked. Mary was wondering if Francis had already forgotten about her. If he gave up on saving her. These thoughts made her very insecure. She felt like she couldn't life on like this anymore. If Francis wouldn't save her, she would try to save herself. Even if it costed her her life, she needed to escape.

To upcoming days, Mary was watching the men closely, seeing if she could learn anything that would help her escape. She learned that they left her alone at 1 pm every day. That was her chance to escape. She was going to save every little bit of energy she had left to try and escape.

The day had come, she was going to escape. When it was 1 pm, she had found a way to break lose and escape. When she was almost at the exit, two guards caught her. She was beaten up and got chained up once again. Because of this, there were men around her every time of the day. Her only chance to escape had failed.

Francis received another letter, it read:

< Dear your majesty,
Your queen has tried to escape, and she failed. She got caught and has been beaten up worse than before. She can't stand anymore, and she now has two black eyes. You have 5 days to annul your marriage, or we will do something to her. We won't kill her, don't worry, that's not painful. We are going to let her suffer so badly, for the rest for her sad life. We thought you would try to escape her, but we see you don't care about your wife. But that doesn't matter, we are going to let her know that you don't care, and that you would rather let her suffer for the rest of her life, than safe her. We are going to hurt her not only physically, but also mentally. We are going to tell her everyday how bad you think of her. That will probably be the death of her. She will go crazy and try to kill herself. It's up to you. Annul or let her suffer.

Your wife said that we should say this to you, as her last words: 'I love you'. >>

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