Timeline Explained

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The Walking Dead: Negative, Timeline Explanation: The purpose of this timeline is to help readers understand where AMC's The Walking Dead and the The Walking Dead: Negative's timeline's intersect. It is designed to guide new readers who may or may not have already read The Return of Shane: Vol 1-3. It is encouraged that everyone read The Return of Shane: Vol especially since new characters were added during that series. Contrary to popular belief, time has not really moved quickly in The Walking Dead, mainly because as of Season 6, Judith still can't walk or talk. At most, only two years has passed since Lori's death.


--- Events of The Walking Dead, Season 1.

| - Rick's group escapes the CDC.

|- Events of The Walking Dead, Season 2.

| - Rick's group meet Hershel and the Greene Family.



| - Episode - Better Angels (Shane and Rick face off).

| - Events of Return Of Shane Vol 1 (Shane survives).

| --- Shane meets Phillip and Austin Marco.

| --- Events of The Walking Dead, Season 2, Finale .

| - Events of Return Of Shane Vol 2 (Shane returns to the Farm).

|--- Events of The Walking Dead, Season 3.

|--- Lori gives birth to Judith and dies.

|--- Events of Return Of Shane Vol 3. <<<You are HERE.

| - Rick's group repel The Governor from the prison.


| - Shane's Group meets the Rockwell Family at K-Mart.

| --- Events of The Walking Dead, Season 4.

| - The Prison is overrun, Rick's group divides.

| - Rick's group and Abraham's group make it to Terminus.


--- Events of The Walking Dead, Season 5.

| - Nancy Rockwell becomes pregnant by Shane. Stu and Jacob are killed.

| - Rick's group meets Aaron.

| - Rick's group arrives at Alexandria.

| - Rick kills Pete and is reunites with Morgan.

|- Austin and Nancy are both killed, Phillip is now the de facto leader.

| - Shane is shot by Saviors.

| - Events of The Walking Dead, Season -6 / Events of The Walking Dead, Season 6

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