The Heart Of The Slenderman - Chapter 5

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That night, I got punished and wasn't alowed to leave the house for a week. I didn't care, all I could think of was him. I had come face to face with Slenderman himself. Even though I was grounded, I still snuck out every night for about two weeks, and came to that same boulder, hoping for him to come back, but he never did come back. I waited till I could see the very first light of the sun coming over the horizon. I began to grow weary, wondering if I would ever see him again. I went to school that day, and everything went normal. I found out that Cierra and My brother had begun dating. Nightfall came, and I retired to my room before anyone else. I stayed up staring at the ceiling. I heard everyone go to bed.

I wondered whether I should go to bed or sneak out to see him again. After debating for a while, I came to a conclusion: Tonight is the last night I would go to wait for him. I snuck out and walked through the town, passing from suburban to rural. I finally made it to the forest. I did not notice two middle aged men following me. I finally made it to the forest and I walked through it, past the dense woods. They followed me in. I sat against the boulder and waited.

"What's a cute little girl like you doing out here on your own?" Asked one of the thugs. I turned around in a fast motion and stared at them both.

"Ya got anything for us?" Asked the other thug. He smiled, showing several missing teeth and one golden tooth. I shaked my head and backed up.

"Well then" said the one with the golden tooth "I guess we'll have to check to make sure" he said and they both lunged at me. I stepped back and fell on the ground. They reached their hands towards me. I closed me eyes.

Just then I heard the screams of them men who tried to attack me. I opened my eyes and saw the dense fog surrounding me. In the distance of the fog I saw a tall figure, and these long appendages extending out of him, wrapped around the men. Then the figure threw the men in oppisite directions, making them hit trees in the yonder fog. I stared at the figure as it came closer to me. It was Slenderman.

I got up hesitantly as he came closer. I stared at that face I had come to miss (even though there wasnt anything to really look at on it). I held out my hand again. He looked down at the hand and put his hand in mine. I smiled warmly as his hand fit perfectly in mine. He picked me up and sat me at the very top of the boulder, and my face was at level with his as he stood straight up. He took a note out of the breast pocket of his suit and handed it to me. I looked down and read it. It read: "Meet me at this boulder every night" and had a drawing of him, me, the boulder next to us, and a heart between us".

I smiled bigger than I ever had in my life. This was the happiest moment of my life, and I knew there would be many more. I looked back up at where he was standing, but he was gone. Even though he had left, I had a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. I know I would see him. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. As I arrived home, I laid on my bed and fell asleep thinking about him.

And that's how Slenderman and I came to be :)

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