"Watch The Thrones"

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Question For The Fans: Is Bellamy right to follow Pike or is everything starting to crumble once again?

1. In Polis, Lexa and the ambassadors begin a meeting.

2. Queen Nia is brought in by sentries and Titus announces that the destruction of the Mountain means death. However Nia, states is Lexa who has the problem as she calls for a vote of no confidence.

3. Lexa sees all the ambassadors agree to this (A Commander can lose his position either by death or a unanimous vote of the ambassadors) but Clarke doesn't and since last night, Skaikru became the thirteenth clan so their coop fails.

4. Nia proceeds in challenging Lexa to a death match against her son. Lexa refuses to chose a champion and plans to fight him herself.

5. In Arkadia, a meeting of the council is happening about the destruction of the Mountain.

6. Pike wants to attack the Grounders as a retaliation about the 49 people they lost, but Abby refuses.

7. Kane explains that they were collateral in Nia's war against Lexa but Pike can't accept it and insists the Grounders will attack them. Abby promises to keep that in mind and the meeting is adjourned.

8. Kane is visited by Bellamy who resigns from his post after the tragedy in the Mountain. He can't bear the guilt of failing his people.

9. Outside, Jasper has packed a bag to leave, refusing to go to the Memorial for the dead.

10. Nyko and some injured members of Trikru come inside after Abby had told him that he could. The guards are suspicious and search them, but Octavia stops them from mishandling injured people.

11. The guards don't seem to like Octavia very much and tell her since she is one of them, to take them to Abby.

12. Jasper unhatches one of the patches on the wall and leaves with Monty behind him, worried about his behavior.

13. Back in Polis, Lexa talks with the Nightblood about the traits a Commander should have; wisdom, compassion and strength.

14. Clarke asks Titus if he convinced her not to fight Roan, but he replies no. He states that Lexa fights herself because it's her strength that's in question and hopes Clarke can talk her out of it.

15. Taking all Nightbloods with him, but Aden who stays behind after Lexa tells him to, he leaves the throne room.

16. Lexa introduces Aden to Clarke, revealing that he is most likely to become the next Commander after her death, which is essentially the purpose of Nightbloods.

17. Aden promises that if he becomes the Commander he will pledge his loyalty to Skaikru.

18. Aden leaves and Clarke announces she is not very happy about the fate of her people being at the hands of a kid.

19. Lexa assures her that her people are safe, Indra has gathered warriors from villages around Arkadia to protect it, but Clarke says she is more concerned about her.

20. She tells Lexa the Roan is very skilled and she retorts that Clarke has not seen her fight.

21. Lexa states she should accept the fact that she may die, but Clarke doesn't go along with that.

22. Outside the Polis Tower, Nia gives Roan fighting advice, but he doesn't want it.

23. Nia realizes her son is displeased she chose him to represent her, but states that killing Lexa will lift his banishment and that will be his legacy and his legend.

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