Chapter 67: Suspicious

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Madara's P.O.V

"First, let's find out your chakra nature." I said handing him a piece of paper.
"What's this?"
"Hold it between your two fingers... If the paper crumbles, you have a stone chakra nature. If the paper gets wet, you have a water chakra nature. If the paper rips, you have a wind chakra nature. If the paper crinkles, you have a lightning chakra nature. If it burns up, you have a fire chakra nature."

He held it between his middle finger and index finger on his right hand.

"Please be lightning or stone! Please be lightning or stone!" He begged.

Please be fire! Please be fire!

The paper burned up.

"Hehehehe! Fire!" I said.
"What's so good about it?" He asked with a pissed off look on his face.
"I have a fire chakra nature and I'm the best at it. I can make you into a prodigy!" I said and he smiled once again.
"Of course."

Hashirama's P.O.V

"I'm starting to get suspicious of something..." Tobirama said to me as I washed dishes.

He leaned against the counter beside me.

"Where's the Demon Uchiha man?" He smirked.
"Demon Uchiha? I don't recall any." I said and he frowned.
"Madara... Where is he? He hasn't been around lately and Yoshima's depressed." Tobirama frowned.
"Madara... H-He has clan stuff to do.." I responded.

"Cut the crap Hashirama." He said bringing his face closer to mine.

"As much as I hate Madara, he loves Yoshima so damn much that he's never let her be upset if he was here. I ask Yoshima and she says don't worry about it. So where did he go?" He growled.

I turned off the tap.

"If Yoshima says don't worry about it, then don't." I said shaking my hands and quickly leaving.

Yoshima's P.O.V

I went to the cemetery in the village.

I walked upon the graves to four which caught my attention.

"Kawarama and Itama..." I said placing a flower in front of both graves.

"How are you guys?  Well, I haven't visited your graves at all before to be honest.  I was always to afraid, I didn't know what I would say...  I'm really sorry for that.  I'm 20 and am pregnant with my second child.  You two would've been amazing uncles.  I can imagine you playing with Kuro, Itama.
I can imagine Kawarama being the uncle to spoil is nephew."  I started to giggle a bit.

"I promise I'll visit again soon.  I also can't wait to see you guys.  Well...  I promise I won't make my way there too soon.  Farewell..." I said and moved to my mother and father's graves.

"Well... Hello..." I said staring at their graves.

I placed a flower on each.

"I know what you probably think father. I shouldn't have married Madara, but I'm happy. Why don't you understand... Madara brings me happiness that no other man can provide me with. Please understand. I'm going to have strong children. I'm already pregnant with my second child."

"Mother... I-I.... I really miss you.. I miss you too father.. Don't get me wrong." I started to laugh a bit.

"It seems Kuro has taken Madara's attitude. Baby number two is on the way. I know you want lots and lots of grandchildren. I still remember. There's so much I want to say, but-"

I left a drop of water land on my cheek and it slid down.

I looked up at the sky..

It started to slowly rain.

"I'll be back soon, Mother and Father. Take care." I got up and walked away.

I wiped the water off of my cheek.

It's as if they were crying for me.

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