Ask/19 and Dare 65

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Me: * Turns on camera* Okay before I start with this I just want to say sorry for the hold up and yes I am skipping through a bunch of these. So now lets begin! :D *Turns off camera*

Sub: *Laying down on the couch and looks at his stomach* You two aren't going to be happy till I get up, aren't you?

Ethan: I'm guessing a yes.

Brice: I want a child now. D:

Seto: No... -__-

Brice: But you'd be so cute!

Seto: -3- no.

Me: *Kicks down the door, cause why the hell not. :3* GUYS! ASK AND A DARE! DO THEM!

Sub: Don't scream so loud Tiny!

Ethan: yeah Sub has a headache!

Me: I don't give a damn! We have an Ask and a Dare which I skipped a bunch to do! We has ask 19 and Dare 65!

Seto: Didn't we do Ask 16 though? Why the hell are we skipping 17 and 18?

Me: Cause I felt like it! D:<

Brice: Geez okay, just calm your tits Tiny.

Sub: ew..

Ethan: Don't talk about her tits Brice. That's very inappropriate.


Seto: HA! XD

Sub: Ethan why! *Whines*

Ethan: Cause it's damn hot and sexay. -3-

Me: SUBTHAN SMUT!!! :D But anyway lets do these guys! :D

Sub: Weren't you pissed and cranky just a few seconds ago?

Me: *Shrugs* I have Bipolar issuses. I go from crazy happy, to Rage anger, to depressed sad, then to normal. :)

Sub: -o-

Brice: What?

Ethan: Can we do the ask first. Anytime we get a dare form your "Sinners" they dare us to do embarrassing and stupid things.

Me: They are not stupid! they are creative and funny! D:< Don't be rude to my sinners!

Seto: YEAH!

Ethan: Shut up Seto.

Brice: Can I read the ask? :D

Me: No.

Brice: D: ... Why?

Seto: Cause that's her job.

Brice: Okay.

Me: So. *opens Ask scroll* These are for you guys, usual. So lets begin. *Clears throat* The first one is for Sub. Oh and BTW, these are form LisatheAngel. Thanks Lisa. :D

Sub: Okay. Let's hear it.

Me: She asks, A: Sub, how painful do you thinking giving birth will be?

Sub: um.. I think pretty painful. I mean, something larger than shit is coming out of your ass and it feels like it's ripping your insides. If you were in my position how do you think you will feel?

Seto: Yeah that's a good point.

Me: True. Okay next one is for Ethan, I'm guessing. She asks, A: How would you feel if Sub dated girls?

Ethan: I'd kill every single girl in the whole god damn world. -__-

Me: o-o .... Including me?

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